Glenridge Capital

Glenridge Capital
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Yet another scam orchestrated by Oren Shabat Laurent of Banc de Binary. This guy is amazing. He is ordered to pay $9,000,000 in restitution on March 9, 2016 relating to Banc de Binary. He then quickly cranks out another multi-million dollar scam named Binary Book. And now has yet another multi-million dollar scam named Glenridge Capital. A real turd of a human being.

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Pros: Excellent marketing.
Cons: A binary options, boiler room that is scamming US citizens out of millions of dollars each week. Operating with an unbridled and callous attitude toward United States regulators. Worse than Bernie Madoff. A real scumbag.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Glenridge Capital

What is Glenridge Capital? Glenridge Capital is the latest scam developed by Oren Shabat Laurent,  a United States and Israeli citizen.  Currently living in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Oren Shabat Laurent is the founder and owner of Banc de Binary.  On March 9th, 2016 the CFTC, or Commodities and Futures Trading Commission ordered that Oren Shabat Laurent pay a staggering $9,000,000 is restitution.  The allegations were simple, Banc de Binary was operating an unlicensed and unregistered commodities and futures brokerage, and actively marketing to United States based costumers through “boiler rooms” located in Israel.

It appears, that in order to avoid Federal criminal charges, Oren Shabat Laurent agreed to make a restitution payment to over 6,600 United States based customers.

One would think that the 34 year old, dual US/Israeli citizen would of learned his lesson.  However, like most criminals, if they are not threatened with actual prison time, they will simply keep doing what they enjoy doing. Oren Shabat Laurent has learned nothing, and it appears that he is up to the same old tricks.

The next scam…

On April 13, 2016 I published a review of a company named  If you are interested in the knitty gritty of how a binary options scam actually works, and would like to discover the granular details of how to pull off this scam, then the Binary Book review will give you a complete blue print.

How large is the Binary Book scam?  My estimate is that Binary Book is currently ripping off US customers at about $1,000,000 per week.  I know that many reading this are probably dumbfounded and find this hard to believe.  However, my research included interviews with the affiliate managers of Binary Book, and these numbers corroborate with reported sales figures for several popular online affiliate networks.  One such affiliate marketing network that aggressively markets Binary Book is currently reporting an average of $300,000 per month, paid in affiliate commissions.

The Binary Book website publishes affiliate commission payouts of $450 CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) or 30% revenue share.  In other words, a marketer or sales agent can earn 30% of every dollar that is deposited with Binary Book, or a payout of $450 per client.  Assuming that the affiliate marketing network is correct in reporting affiliate payouts of $300,000 per month, then we can reasonably assume that Binary Book is taking in about $1,000,000 per week. Considering that has only been active for 18 months, this is a staggering amount of money.

Obviously, the CFTC regulators are going to catch up.  The problem is that the CFTC is painfully slow at taking action.  Oren Shabat Laurent knows that the CFTC is painfully slow at taking action, but action will come eventually.  When the CFTC finally arrives, he has already created a brand new company, marketing the same old bullshit to United States based customers.

And the next scam…

It appears that the latest binary options brokerage created by Oren Shabat Laurent is Glenridge Capital.  A review of the Glenridge Capital website reveals an address located in Ireland at 3rd Floor, Ulysses House Foley St., Dublin 1.

After researching the address, I discovered that the property manager for the building is a company named JLL Management.  The property manager was able to confirm that no such business is located inside of the building.

So exactly how is Glenridge Capital scamming people?  The following is a table that contains a list of websites that push the scam.  The target watches an expertly produced video promotion and is enticed to give their personal information, phone number, and open an account with Glenridge Capital.  Have a look at a few of these video’s, I found them entertaining.

[table id=39 /]

How do I know that Oren Laurent Shabat (Banc de Binary) are connected to Greymountain Management, Binary Book and Glenridge Capital?  Included in many of the above listed promotional websites are cleverly concealed snippets of computer code that are tucked deep inside of the programming language that runs these websites.  Have a look… (very sloppy Mr. Shabat!)

Oren Shabat Laurent Glen Ridge Capital

Obviously, some of these videos are quite outrageous.  And many readers must be thinking to themselves, “Anyone stupid enough to fall for this scam deserves to lose their money”. However, I would like to counter this opinion, and add a bit of my own unique life experience.  As many readers of Trading Schools already know, I am a convicted felon of securities fraud and served a 33 month sentence in Federal prison.  I understand the mind of the con artist, and I uniquely understand the mind of the victim.  And let me tell you the plain truth, the majority of the people that are being scammed are the elderly and the financially desperate.

Diving deeper inside the scam

Back in March, after I had written the original review of, I became much more curious at how this scam was being orchestrated.  How in the hell are they able to convince so many people, to give them so much money, for what looks like such an obvious scam? And so I took the next step and decided to “get a job” working for and

If a person calls Binary Book or Glenridge Capital, you will get a live person on the phone, claiming to be located in Eastern Europe.  In total, I made approximately 20 phone calls to the company, always calling at different times and making sure that I got a different voice on the phone.  Each time I called, I got a tiny bit of useful information, eventually these tiny bits added up and I discovered the truth. The company is actually located in Tel Aviv.

Boiler Rooms

Binary Book and Glenridge Capital customers are aggressively marketed through a cluster of boiler rooms.  The name of one of the boiler rooms is Prime Sales. You can find a Facebook page on the organization here.

Apparently, the company is quite flamboyant regarding their fraudulent activities. They seem to relish and enjoy what they are doing. The following is a Facebook Help Wanted advertisement: titled, “Predators Work At Night.”

Glenridge Capital

Or the following that displays a man, with the outline of a wolf.

binary book

Ever wonder what the inside of a boiler room looks like? Or what the people look like? Have a peek…

[foogallery id=”2979″]

Curious who is working inside of this boiler room?

The following are the names of the salespeople and support staff:  Roxane Charisma, Ira Iren Pistol, Rita Brikman, Tal Ben-Dror, Tomer Peretz, Stav Taube, Itay Elisyan, Liraz Zohar, Inbar Maizles, Shiran Herzberg, Harris Shamai, Eli Volkov, Lian Lara, Luciana Altoni, Yaniv Ariel, Alex Terentev, Inbar Maizles, Oz Abraham, Mor Yoholom, Liav Rosenthal, Solomon Tesla, Azhar Khateeb.   Please don’t ask how I got the names, hacking a database is not exactly legal.

Need a job? Can you stomach ripping people off?

Tel Aviv is the very heart of the Binary Options world.  There are dozens of these boiler rooms operating in broad daylight. Have a look at a few of the job ads list on CraigsList Tel Aviv:

Sales Sharks

Binary Options and Casino Games

Must have “Mother-tongue” English

A simple Google search (Binary Options Jobs Tel Aviv) reveals hundreds of these binary options jobs.  How easy is it to secure a job in one of these boiler rooms?  Easy.  I set up a voip telephone number with a Tel Aviv prefix and also created a fake resume to email to prospective employers.  Within several days, I had job offers from 9 different companies.  They seemed to love my resume, especially the part about my extensive experiences selling bogus investments to US residents.  When applying for a job as a thief, act like a good thief!

Job Details

What exactly does a person do inside of these boiler rooms?  The job is simple.

The target watches a promotional video and is enticed into opening a small binary options account.  If the person opens an account or fills out a web form, they will begin receiving a swarm of telephone calls and emails from an “investment adviser.” This adviser will then begin the process of up selling and enticing the target into making a larger deposit.  The goal is to max out the credit cards or debit cards of the target.  The enticement includes a one time deposit bonus, or a company guarantee that the person cannot lose more than a certain percentage of the original deposit. The deposit bonuses and company guarantee’s are a sham.

The job of the boiler room sales agent is to sell.  And to say whatever is necessary to suck the target dry of all credit and cash accounts.  They will tell stories of people getting rich and that the “professional trading robots” are guaranteed to make a profit and that they have personally witnessed many individuals making  upwards of $10,000 per day.  Its all a sham.  The goal is to plug the target trading account into an auto trading program that is statistically guaranteed to drain the account to zero.

On a personal level, writing about how these companies operate is quite painful.  The truth is that nearly 20 years ago, I used to run boiler rooms that engaged in this exact same behavior. So to talk about this, brings up some painful old memories of my old self.  Not easy.

Wrapping Things Up

Truthfully, I did not want to write this article.  However, at least a few times a month, someone will send me an email. And they will ask me what I think about one of these companies. Most Trading Schools readers are too sophisticated to fall for these sorts of scams. Most have no interest in reading about this type of material. But its still a worthy topic, and it shines a light on how vast and widespread this problem actually is.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Sergei March 16, 2021
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