Investors Underground ***Update***

Thanks for reading today’s brief update of Investors Underground.

I have been highly critical of Nathan Michaud and his live, stocks day trading room. You can read my original review of Investors Underground here. Investors Underground, when analysed using Google search patterns and estimated volume of traffic, is one of the most popular live, stocks day trading rooms on the internet. The hustle has its roots planted in Timothy Sykes Investimonial’s website, where Nathan has massive number of fake positive reviews.

My original review was a pretty scathing hit piece on Nathan Michaud as well as some of the moderators within Nathan’s live trading room. The core complaint was that there is simply no transparency within Nathan’s live trading room. It is primarily a social hub, where people gather and simply chat about stocks. Nathan has no track record, nor does he trade live. Nor do any of his moderators have any track record, and there is no way to track the performance of any of the trading moderators. Truthfully, I consider the vast majority of trading educators to be low level criminals with plenty of bark, but little bite. Now that I have gotten that little it of entertainment out of the way, lets talk a moment about Investors Underground and if things have changed since my original review.

In the past month, yet another subscriber of Investors Underground sent me an email asking that I take another look at this company. And so I did. From August 11 through August 13, I spent an additional three days in the Investors Underground chat room. What did I find? Well, nothing has changed. Its the same old story. Plenty of newbies chatting, but absolutely no clearly defined trading signals from any of the trading room moderators. Once again, I asked for specifics of any trades that were called by the moderators, and yet again I was simply ignored. However, the best that I was offered were the chat logs of everyone that conversed within this highly popular, and expertly marketed trading room. The closer that I attempted to penetrate the cloud of chatter, the more misdirection that was deployed.

Truthfully, I was hoping that my highly negative review would of spurred some positive change. I can be quite the troll and be downright nasty to some of these trading vendors. With Nathan, in particular, my attack was vicious and I really went after him. However, he has flat refused to engage with me on a personal level. The only time I am able to have any sort of conversation with Nathan is when I change my identity and act like a fresh lamb ready for his marketing slaughter. Disappointing. It appears that he is only willing to lash out at me through proxy…getting Erik Wood to call me at all hours of the night and scream at me over the phone. Poor Eric Wood, being used like a puppet by Nathan, and he doesn’t even realize it. Oh well.

From time to time, I do receive feedback via email or blog post from current subscribers of Investors Underground. Today, I received one such blog post. The message was from a current subscriber, that took the time to write out their individual experiences inside of the trading room. His/Her review is pretty gentle, but I feel like the writer did a great job of highlighting their own person experience. I would like to wrap up this quick review with the content that was sent to me, referencing their personal experience inside of the Investors Underground live day trading room.

This review is my honest and scrutinized opinion.,unbiased .I was a member of IU for 2 months .I am trading about 2 years now .Cant say very successful But consistent .I have tried different newsletters – like Tim’s Penny silver . i heard a lot about IU so thought to give a try .Then i joined and was there for 2 months .

First of all , $197 p/m for IU standard is pricey .Their aim to advertise to make this community for both new traders and experience traders .so most of the traders (newbie) who takes good amount of time to be make money ,$197 a month is definitely expensive for them also if you add software fees , L2 ,brokers fess etc.

Secondly there are no alert from nate and other moderators .I know alert service is not good to be blindly followed but it is definitely helpful to understand the trade plan to be educated and to support ( from a pro trader) your trade idea on a particular stock ( if you already have before alert)

It is for sure that IU is a great community for all pro traders But most of them (95 % ) do not participate any ideas ,discussion , watch list ,trade plan in the chatroom . Which is more annoying is that most of them do not response to you if you ask some trade related questions or any other kind of advise You feel like a dickhead and left alone! They are already successful so why they have to care about you !They will discussing ideas among good friends – Nate,modern rock ,d4ytrad3,elkwood etc. But i assumed that as it is a paid chatroom ( specially $197 pm ) so I expected more than nate’s watchlist !

Thirdly you have to be very careful ( newbie ) when asking Q because IU love to Gag ppl .Most of the ppl in the chatroom do not ask nonsense questions but also for some funny reason IU moderator are very sensitive .It is rather a chatroom for elite pro traders with their alien discussion ( terms / phrase difficult to understand for new trader ) than a free discussion of trade plan which actually can be useful in a day trade making some real money than showing off who is more knowledgeable and smart !!!

Fourth Nate hardly trade stocks between $1 – $5 , Most of his trades based on over $10 – $100 ,which is not convenient for small accounts ( I think most of the start-up traders have small account )No one can grow a small account with a high price stock because most of your money involved in one high price stock trade !

Fifth Nate and other traders do not mention their entry exit , profit ,loss etc in the chatroom .So you are blindly following a GURU not knowing what is his activity .I think it is very important to get motivated if you know how is your Guru performing.

Overall it is a great community for Pro trader if you want to make friends , share trade ideas and praise among themselves But definitely confusing and not useful for New trader because I believe with learning curve someone need to make some money while trading otherwise it is like being smart ass with no real work.

I am sure Nate is a great person and trader I like him for his humble attitude But also he needs to understand to run a paid service ,services need to be actually there .That chat room need some changes like other available chartrooms – alert , trade plan ,low price stocks , giving priority to every paid members not only friends etc. Then I am sure it will the best chartrooms among others .

I hope Nate read this and do something about it .if changes comes I will be the first to join IU again .

I felt like this was a very friendly, forthright, and honest review of Investors Underground. My only caveat to this written review is that the reviewer was never actually able to verify that Nate and his moderators are ever actually trading. And so, from his perspective, he paid for the service for two month and spent $400 dollars in the hopes that he would be able to synthesize what the “profitable” moderators were teaching.  I would take this a step further and just come right out and state that I dont believe that Nathan Michaud is even trading. Rather, Nathans game is one of a professional marketer. Nathan probably understands with great clarity that he is probably only going to be able to heist these folks out of roughly two months of paying subscriptions, and perhaps the purchase of his DVD.

Well, that’s if for today. Thanks for reading.



  1. D Trader February 5, 2021
  2. Jimmy April 6, 2018
    • Emmett Moore April 6, 2018
    • Shahid Saleem July 10, 2021
      • Bret D. May 20, 2022
  3. Carlos D. March 30, 2017
  4. Joe January 18, 2017
  5. Mike December 6, 2016
    • Mathias December 23, 2017
  6. Jacques September 17, 2016
    • Stray Dog September 18, 2016
  7. Stray Dog August 30, 2016
  8. Shawn June 26, 2016
    • guest December 21, 2017
      • Stray Dog December 21, 2017
  9. Mary April 11, 2016
  10. Alexander April 10, 2016
  11. Carey Harper January 1, 2016
    • Emmett Moore January 1, 2016
  12. Woderer December 2, 2015
  13. jake October 31, 2015
  14. John smith October 26, 2015
    • Emmett Moore October 26, 2015
      • John smith October 27, 2015
    • JP March 26, 2016
  15. Hommie August 26, 2015
  16. LOL August 26, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 26, 2015
  17. Reality August 26, 2015
  18. M Gordon August 25, 2015
  19. Daaaas August 25, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
  20. Ned Jenkins August 25, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
  21. Tom Crapstone August 25, 2015
  22. Emmett Moore August 24, 2015
    • Casey August 24, 2015
      • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
        • Daaaas August 25, 2015
  23. Titans August 24, 2015

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