The Trading Den with Simon Townshend

The Trading Den
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Here we go again, yet another live day trading room promising massive profits. The Trading Den by Simon Townshend is live day trading environment and trading signals provider where the trades are replicated by a third party brokerage.

The Trading Den has been stating, for several years that “everyone in the live trading room is earning an easy 6-figure profit.”

However, a TradingSchools.Org reader describes a horrible situation where his trading account was completely wiped out through the auto-trading service.

Mr. Townshend has created a wide path of outrageous claims like, “Most people are earning 1000% per year” and “Earn an extra 6-figure income from the comfort of your own couch.” A completely ridiculous trading scheme from a clever internet marketer. Avoid.

Thanks for reading today’s review of The Trading Den with Simon Townshend

What is The Trading Den? The company is a live futures trading room and futures trading signal provider. The owner of the company is a person named Simon Townshend, operating out of the United Kingdon.

The Trading Den describes itself as a day trading service where traders simply purchase an annual subscription and copy the trades of Simon Townshend. The cost of the service is $6,000 per year. The Trading Den will accept either “three easy payments” of $2,000 or a “super-special offer of a single payment of only $4,000.”

The service is delivered by either watching Simon Townshend day trade live, from within the chat room. Or, the customer can sign up for an auto trade service that automatically replicates the trades that Simon Townshend is supposedly executing from within The Trading Den.

The company currently occupies the following social media web properties:

Please notice the headlines of several of the Facebook posts.

  • “Another hugely profitable trade, with virtually no risk at all.”
  • “Learn how to take ticks out of the markets and be profitable virtually every day, even in BAD markets.”
  • “There is no reason why you too couldn’t belong to the 1% of elite traders that make an enormous amount of “serious” money trading Futures”
  • “The Amazing Winning Trading Secret of a Wall Street Mystery Man will be yours”

Simon Townshend claims to have a truly amazing track record, all 100% verifiable, with a live futures trading account. In fact, he boldly displays his supposed real time track record on various social media channels and his promotional website.

The Trading Den

Pretty amazing track record…if it’s true.

Live Trading Room–Supposed Real Time Performance

Simon Townshend likes to make some very bold statements. In fact, he recently stated that earning $10,000 per month is quite simple, just copy his live trades and you will shortly be achieving amazing results that typically average $10,000 per month. All a person needs to earn these types of returns is a small futures trading account and a subscription to his live trading service.

Some of his other outrageous claims include the following recorded statements:

  • “Everyone in the live trading room earned at least $100k for two consecutive years.”
  • “You won’t have to do any hard work. Just sit on your couch, copy my trades, and easily earn an extra six-figure income.”
  • “Most people are earning over 1000% every year.”
  • “You will typically only spend 9 hours each week, copying my trades, and earning more money than you ever imagined.”
  • “It’s so easy, a caveman can do it.”

History of now defunct websites

Of course, The Trading Den is not the first website that Simon Townshend has promoted. There have been others. For instance, whatever happened to A now defunct website that once again promised easy riches…

Serious Investment Returns

Or how about Yet another now defunct website, offering amazing riches to all involved with this self-professed ‘Financial Trading Wizard’ and ‘Hedge Fund Manager’?

Simon Townshend

Of course, Simon Townshend has been at this trading promotional game for a very long time. And a long and grubby trail he has left in his wake. Some of his other current and failed ‘get rich quick’ trading ventures include:

DotCom-University: Another ‘get rich quick’ scheme

Perhaps getting easy riches by day trading is not quite your taste? No problem. Because you can easily get rich and earn $447 every single day by copying Simon Townshend’s “secret formula” by promoting stuff on the internet. Hurry up and buy now at Everyone is getting rich! And so can you!

Simon Townshend Trading Den

A testimony from an actual client (victim) of Simon Townshend

During the month of March 2017, an anonymous person contacted TradingSchools.Org and desperately wanted people to know about his dealings with Simon Townshend and his futures day trading signals service. This person described themselves as “pretty much a newbie to the world of day trading.” At 57 years of age, and recently laid off from his job in Michigan, he desperately needed another source of income.

He described his situation as “dire and desperate.” He simply could not find any work and had been dealing with a 57-year-old body that could no longer sustain heavy labor. And so, he went out onto the internet “looking for an opportunity”. Uh oh! We all know about the amazing sorts of opportunity that can be found on the internet. Somehow he stumbled into the murky waters of earning a full-time income through day trading. He watched a YouTube video by a supposed trading mentor named Simon Townshend. Specifically, he watched the following video, which described the amazing earnings opportunity being offered by Simon Townshend and The Trading Den. Have a look:

Wow! Truly amazing stuff. All you have to do is show up and simply copy the trades of The Trading Den. The video clearly states that “everyone is earning at least $100k per year” and all you need to do is “copy and paste” the trades of Simon Townshend.

After watching this video several times, and talking it over with his wife, he decided to take the plunge and try this thing called day trading. He was desperate. He had very little in savings but could liquidate his only retirement account of $20k. Instead of taking a chance at screwing up at copying the trades by hand, he signed up for the auto trading service that Simon was offering. He reasoned that by having Simon auto trade his account, he was guaranteed the sort of returns that Simon was promising in the promotional video and materials.

His results were disastrous. The Simon Townshend/TradingDen auto trading service began October 2016. The results were as follows:

  • 2016 October: -9.5%
  • 2016 November -9.4%
  • 2016 December -20%
  • 2017 January -39%
  • 2017 February -21%
  • 2017 March…Everything was lost. His account went bust.

In less than 6 months, his entire life savings of only $20k was completely gone. Over 250 trades, with the vast majority losing trades. Big fat losing trades, and a handful of tiny little winners that I would describe as scalping. The only people that made money was the auto trade broker that charged him $1,250 in commissions. And of course, the Wall Street Genius known as Simon Townshend was paid nearly $2,000 for the trading signals.

Wrapping Things Up

These are the types of stories that really get under my skin. People call me all the time and want to talk about their experiences. Usually, they don’t want to email me the entire story because it’s too painful to write. This poor guy gets on the phone with me and quite literally cried. He is one of those “Trump voters” from the midwest. A middle-aged factory worker that is desperate to just hang on and feed himself. Desperate to just get the rent paid.

Many readers might not have a lot of sympathy for this person. Yes, it was a really stupid decision on his part. And I told him this. But as he explained, he was scared and desperate about his life. He got sucked into the scam by a clever con artist, located in a land far away.

Well, that’s it for today. Thanks for reading. And dont forget to leave a comment below.


  1. Charles May 8, 2020
    • dtchurn May 12, 2020
    • Jay Winestein May 26, 2020
  2. Charles May 8, 2020
  3. Charles May 8, 2020
  4. Pam May 4, 2020
  5. Don Hoffman October 27, 2019
  6. dtchurn July 11, 2019
  7. Truth Crusader February 2, 2018
  8. Truth Crusader February 2, 2018
  9. dtchurn July 25, 2017
  10. Joao Santos April 1, 2017
    • dtchurn April 5, 2017
  11. Rob B March 29, 2017
    • Stray Dog March 29, 2017
      • Joao Santos April 1, 2017
  12. Todd March 28, 2017
  13. dtchurn March 28, 2017
    • Emmett Moore March 28, 2017

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