Trade With Mr X

Trade With Mr. X
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Mr. X is a self proclaimed ‘hedge fund manager’ that proclaims to manage billions of dollars in assets. He claims to be the “Top 1% of Hedge Fund Managers in the entire world” and has earned millions of dollars in trading profits.

He claims to live in the penthouse suite of the The Wynn hotel, routinely buys $200k exotic sports cars (three in the same month) and “stocks up on real estate in Beverly Hills” because money is literally shooting out of his asshole.

All of this can be yours for only $199 per month. Just login and copy his trades, your money problems are a thing of the past.

To lazy to copy his trades? No problem! He also offers ‘money management’ services to anyone stupid enough to invest with a guy that wont give you his name, and wears sunglasses at night.

Complete and total swindler. Avoid.


Clever marketing


Bogus marketing of rented hotel rooms and sports cars

Claims to be an audited money manager (he is not)

Claims to manage billions of dollars (he does not)

Claims to have earned millions of dollars (no proof)

Thanks for reading today’s review of Trade With Mr. X

Who is Mr. X and what is he selling? According to the Mr. X website, the company is offering money management services, a live day trading chatroom, private twitter feed, and approximately 17 hours of recorded training videos titled: Crash Course 1 & 2.

The cost of the basic Mr. X service begins at $199 per month, and then stair steps upward with various upsells for additional training materials. This offering is similar to nearly of the materials that we review at TradingSchools.Org — it usually begins with slick marketing and a relatively inexpensive “chat room” and then graduates into yet more expensive “secret training.”

Mr. X refuses to reveal his true identity. He also proclaims that he “made millions in profits” from 2006 – 2008 and that he was so successful that he was later recruited to manage a “multi-billion dollar hedge fund.”

According to Mr. X, his trading performance was so incredible that this (mysterious) multi-billion dollar hedge fund gave him $300 million dollars to manage from 2010 – 2015.

With yet more personal accolades, Mr. X claims that he is in the worlds top 3% of all portfolio managers with over $100 million in assets.

Quite an impressive resume indeed. You would think that such a world class money manager, working at a billion dollar hedge fund would be more than happy to reveal his true identity. But not Mr. X, he likes to keep things on ‘the down low’ by wearing sunglasses.

Trade With Mr. X

I would like to manage your money. But you cannot know my name. And I wear sunglasses.

Investment Management Services by Mr. X

According to Mr. X, he currently manages the assets of well over a dozen hedge funds, and most of these hedge funds have entrusted him with billions of dollars in assets. (yes, billions)

Mr. X would also like to manage your money. All you need to do is simply email Mr. X for his “prospectus” which he claims includes his “audited track record.”

To partake in these amazing profits, you must send Mr. X your money and he will charge you a “quarterly fee” as your asset manager.

Apparently, this Mr. X person is completely and totally oblivious that you must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) as a money manager. We contacted the Securities and Exchange Commission field office in Washington DC to report what appears to be a fraudulent asset management business.

Additionally, we contacted FINRA at 800-289-9999 and registered yet another complaint of an individual offering unregistered money management services on a random website.

Mr X Money Management

Let me repeat, and be very clear…you cannot offer money management services without registration. Additionally, a ‘prospectus’ for these services must be filed with the SEC and copies of this prospectus must be audited and posted.

This appears to be outright fraud. You cannot state “audited track record” without actually performing an actual audit. It appears that this knucklehead just made all this shit up.

How these “money management” frauds persist

Usually, these sorts of investment scams begin with clever social media marketing. The fake ‘money manager’ will create a series of Twitter posts proclaiming amazing profits, and then accompany the marketing with images of exotic vacations, expensive sports cars, images of jewelry and cash.

Mr. X certainly fits into this mold. In the following video example, you can see how our phony hedge fund manager created this slick marketing piece in an attempt to lure the audience into his magical realm of opulence and unlimited shrimp cocktail.

I found the video pretty funny. However, with a bit of shoe leather, we discovered that the marketing videos were created at The Wynn in Las Vegas. For a virtual tour of the hotel room, you can visit this link.

In addition to renting a fancy hotel room and shooting these corny marketing videos…our illustrious, wannabe ‘hedge fund manager’ also has a Twitter profile with yet more ridiculousness.

On one post, Mr. X claims that “one of my students turned $10k into $200k overnight!” and yet another post “my student earned 346% on this trade!”

Our Mr. X is certainly a fancy little character. On another post, he is seen relaxing in a new Tesla…

Mr X Tesla

But then a few days later, he is complaining about the new Tesla and proclaims that he purchased a TWO brand new Porsche sports cars ($450k). One for the “wifey” and something modest for himself.

Mr X Fake cars

What is funny about this Porsche picture is the showroom is located in Newport Beach, California.

Of course, I called the Porsche dealer and this Porsche is still sitting on the showroom floor.

Maybe our truly incredible ‘hedge fund’ manager paid for two Porsche’s but forget to take this one home?

Ultimate Douchebaggery

Some of these social media “hedge fund managers” really crawl up my buttcrack. Mr. X fits into this category.

TradingSchools.Org reached out to Mr. X in hopes of getting our hands on this amazing “audited track record.” But as you can imagine, he did not respond. However, we could watch in real time as he clicked and ignored our emails.

Additionally, he took the added step of blocking my public access to his Twitter account. Apparently, he felt he could hide his dirty diapers by blocking me. But I have more Twitter accounts than a prostitute has condoms on Superbowl Sunday.

Oh well, another day and another phony trader exposed. Thanks for reading.


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  9. Andy July 17, 2019
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