Revs Futures Day Trading

  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


A very good trading room. All trades are transparent, recorded with accuracy, and replicable to the subscribor. The moderator can be a little irritable at times, but what is most important is performance, and I can honestly say that Raven Wood is an excellent performer. I highly recommend giving this trading room a try.

User Review
2.23 (31 votes)
Comments Rating 4 (1 review)
Pros: Complete transparency. Moderator is hell bent on providing an excellent trading service. I found the results to be excellent and a good value to the subscriber.
Cons: Raven Wood is a bit of curmudgeon and definitely has a short fuse. Does not appreciate any sort of critique and is prone to bouts of shouting and screaming.

Thanks for reading today’s review of RevsFuturesDayTrading

What is RevsFuturesDayTrading? RevsFuturesDayTradingRoom is a day trading website offering live trading signals for the stock index futures at a monthly cost of $299, also a mentoring package that includes one day of private mentoring at $1499, as well as a 5 day mentoring package at $5499. The site is managed and maintained by a trader that goes by the name Raven Wood, though I am not sure what his real name is.

Raven has sort of an interesting back story, at one time he was a moderator for the PureTick trading room, which has a pretty sordid reputation. A quick check on reveals that Raven left PureTick in 2011, and founded his own trading venture in 2012.

Initial Observation

The website is certainly not a beautiful website. It loads slowly, and appears to have been roughly pieced together, with different parts being added over the years. I typically like to look at the general appearance of a website, as this gives some sort of clue as to whether the owner takes a lot of pride in appearances. However, a website that looks too good and is full of hyped statements about outsized performance is also a red flag. When I look at Rev’s website, I cannot help but think that he is certainly no internet marketing.

However, what is most important on a day trading website is whether the trading  performance is fully disclosed and clearly displayed. Raven Wood certainly passes this test. As you will see, he maintains a spreadsheet of all of his trades that can be viewed here. As you will see, the performance is certainly impressive. One of the things that I liked seeing is that he posts the gross profit and loss as well as the net profit and loss. Showing the net profit and loss is important because commissions play a big part in whether a trading room is profitable or not. I have witnessed other trading rooms that show a very healthy gross profit, but the volume of trades is high, and the commission eats into a large portion of the profits.

A quick perusal of the spreadsheet reveals that Raven Wood is certainly not a high volume trader and that the majority of his trades are during the early morning of the trading session. All in all, I would say that it looks great. But I have seen many spreadsheets from many different vendors that are whole fabrications, so I next needed to witness actual live trading, from random trading sessions to authenticate.

Inside the Trading Room

Over the past several months, I have received approximately 25 requests to review this trading room. However, Raven only offers a one day free trial, which is simply not enough time. Thankfully, a reader was a paying member, had some nice things to say about Raven, and allowed me to access the room via his paid portion. Without revealing the name of the subscriber, I will say that the bulk of this review is predicated upon a single week in July.

In addition to the single week in July, I also managed to cobble together an additional three days of screen recordings in August. These additional trading days were essential in determining whether the July sample was a fluke.

The Results

During the one week trial in July, all trades were recorded using Camtasia screen recording software. Everyday, I would check to see if the trades that Raven called inside of the trading room matched perfectly to what I was witnessing on the spreadsheet. Unfortunately, Raven does not update the spreadsheet daily, so I had to wait an extra week to see if the results matched. In particular, I was looking for any performance inflation, or if he omitted any losing trades. Once Raven updated the results on the spreadsheet, I was able to review the trades. In truth, I was pretty amazed to see the exact performance reported and accurate.

A few weeks later, in August 2015, I also conducted three more additional screen recordings. Raven finally updated the trades for the month of August onto the spreadsheet on August 15. Once again, the trades matched perfectly. Truthfully, I was impressed.

The Trading Room Experience

So what can you expect to see inside of the trading room? And, are the trades able to be replicated?

Everyday, the trading room opens at about 5 am. But dont show up that early, I did and I basically just sat there waiting for someone to do something. A better time to show up would be at about 9AM EST. You will usually find Raven begins talking around 9:15AM EST and he begins prepping for a trade at about the open of the market.

One of the things that I really like is that there is plenty of time to follow along and attempt to copy what Raven is doing. As you can see from the following screen shot, the trades are executed directly from the chart. There is none of that BS where the moderator simply say’s, “I AM LONG! LONG! LONG!”. Raven will clearly, at all times display the trades. Which is quite refreshing. Have a look at this recent trade that I captured via screen recording…


Only on a few occasions did I find it difficult to follow along. In particular, he would attempt to execute a trade on the YM for a long trade, while he was concurrently short in the ES. Its seemed a little bit counter intuitive to be long in the YM and short in the ES. However, my opinion does not really matter. The only thing that matters is results and transparency. Raven is certainly transparent.

During the review period, I found only one red flag. It appears that he is trading on a simulator. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of the trading DOM which clearly displayed the dreaded “SIM101” which is the standard simulated trading account at Ninja Trader. Is this something to be concerned about? Truthfully, I am not sure. My suspicion is that sometimes he takes trades on his personal account, and sometimes he takes trades on Sim. Considering how well his individual performance figures look, I am curious why he would ever take a simulated trade.

The simulated trading was definitely something that I wanted to get some feedback on from Raven. And so I called him on the phone.

My Telephone Call With Raven Wood

Usually, when I call a trading room vendor and tell them who I am, they immediately clam up or get defensive. And rightly so, I currently have thousands of people that read my blog on a daily basis, and the vast majority of my reviews are downright ugly. Nobody wants a bad review! Well, things didn’t go so well with our phone call. Apparently Raven had a shit list of issues with my reviews. In particular, at some point on my blog I was rough on Dean Handley about charging a fee to be on his Trading Titans list and that I implied that Raven had paid to get a good review. This really rubbed Raven the wrong way and he proceeded to express his opinion, lets just say he wasn’t happy. In truth, some do pay Dean Handley for his positive reviews, but in my opinion this is not really a big deal. As long as the product is good, then a paid review for the hard work of preparing a trading review is warranted. However, Raven did not like what that might imply towards him. I explained that I believed him and that was not the issue.

The only issue that I wanted an explanation was the use of a trading simulator. A simple explanation would of sufficed, but Raven proceed into a 10 minute diatribe calling me a criminal (true), a former inmate at a Federal Prison (true), a former member of the Boston mob (true), a scoundrel and a thief (true), and whole host of other things, none of them nice (mostly true).

In truth, I just wanted a bit of clarification on the use of a simulator.

Wrapping Things Up

Whether Raven Wood likes me or dislikes me is really not important. The only thing that is important is whether this guy is running a trading scam. I have to say with complete honesty, the guy is certainly no scammer. I found that his trading signals are spot on, highly replicable, and they guy is damn good trader. I honestly feel that something positive can be learned from him. Writing this review is certainly a breath of fresh air for me, the vast majority of my reviews are downright ugly. I only wish that I could of gotten along a little better with Mr. Raven Wood.

Also, I want to give a big thumbs up to Dr. Dean Handley for being the person that originally found this trading room. Without his hard work and efforts, this room would probably still be languishing in some dark corner of the internet. I have been critical of a few Dean’s reviews in the past, but on this trading product, he certainly got it right.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below. Even the haters will find that their voices are heard.




  1. Joe R. December 11, 2017
    • Emmett Moore December 11, 2017
  2. mike April 5, 2016
  3. Craig April 1, 2016
    • Emmett Moore April 1, 2016
  4. Ron October 15, 2015
    • Emmett Moore October 15, 2015
  5. Jay Lightfoot October 9, 2015
  6. Really September 26, 2015
  7. TraderTom September 5, 2015
    • drdam-1 September 9, 2015
  8. Patrick August 30, 2015
  9. David G. August 28, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 28, 2015
    • RV August 29, 2015
  10. Drekt August 28, 2015
  11. trader August 27, 2015
  12. Robert B August 27, 2015
  13. trader August 27, 2015
  14. Robert B August 26, 2015
  15. Chris August 26, 2015
    • Colin Unger August 26, 2015
      • Emmett Moore August 27, 2015
  16. Joe August 25, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
  17. alex p August 22, 2015
  18. alex p August 22, 2015
  19. Sammy August 22, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 22, 2015
      • Sammy August 22, 2015
  20. Barrymore August 21, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 21, 2015
      • Barrymore August 22, 2015
      • RV August 22, 2015
        • Emmett Moore August 22, 2015
  21. Ben August 20, 2015
  22. Ben August 20, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 20, 2015
      • Ben August 20, 2015
        • Emmett Moore August 20, 2015
        • Colin Unger August 25, 2015
          • Emmett Moore August 25, 2015
      • lex February 18, 2017
        • dtchurn February 18, 2017
    • ron October 15, 2015
  23. John August 20, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 20, 2015
      • Tom Crapstone August 21, 2015
    • Stray Dog August 21, 2015
      • Emmett Moore August 21, 2015
  24. Tom Crapstone August 19, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 19, 2015
  25. Hello grumpy August 19, 2015
  26. Joe August 19, 2015
  27. Reven Wood August 18, 2015
    • Emmett Moore August 18, 2015
      • Casey August 18, 2015
        • Emmett Moore August 18, 2015
          • Francis January 24, 2016
          • lex February 18, 2017
    • Stray Dog August 21, 2015
    • Alexander September 4, 2015

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