Verified Trades
User Experience
A very good trading room. All trades are transparent, recorded with accuracy, and replicable to the subscribor. The moderator can be a little irritable at times, but what is most important is performance, and I can honestly say that Raven Wood is an excellent performer. I highly recommend giving this trading room a try.
User Review
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Thanks for reading today’s review of RevsFuturesDayTrading
What is RevsFuturesDayTrading? RevsFuturesDayTradingRoom is a day trading website offering live trading signals for the stock index futures at a monthly cost of $299, also a mentoring package that includes one day of private mentoring at $1499, as well as a 5 day mentoring package at $5499. The site is managed and maintained by a trader that goes by the name Raven Wood, though I am not sure what his real name is.
Raven has sort of an interesting back story, at one time he was a moderator for the PureTick trading room, which has a pretty sordid reputation. A quick check on reveals that Raven left PureTick in 2011, and founded his own trading venture in 2012.
Initial Observation
The website is certainly not a beautiful website. It loads slowly, and appears to have been roughly pieced together, with different parts being added over the years. I typically like to look at the general appearance of a website, as this gives some sort of clue as to whether the owner takes a lot of pride in appearances. However, a website that looks too good and is full of hyped statements about outsized performance is also a red flag. When I look at Rev’s website, I cannot help but think that he is certainly no internet marketing.
However, what is most important on a day trading website is whether the trading performance is fully disclosed and clearly displayed. Raven Wood certainly passes this test. As you will see, he maintains a spreadsheet of all of his trades that can be viewed here. As you will see, the performance is certainly impressive. One of the things that I liked seeing is that he posts the gross profit and loss as well as the net profit and loss. Showing the net profit and loss is important because commissions play a big part in whether a trading room is profitable or not. I have witnessed other trading rooms that show a very healthy gross profit, but the volume of trades is high, and the commission eats into a large portion of the profits.
A quick perusal of the spreadsheet reveals that Raven Wood is certainly not a high volume trader and that the majority of his trades are during the early morning of the trading session. All in all, I would say that it looks great. But I have seen many spreadsheets from many different vendors that are whole fabrications, so I next needed to witness actual live trading, from random trading sessions to authenticate.
Inside the Trading Room
Over the past several months, I have received approximately 25 requests to review this trading room. However, Raven only offers a one day free trial, which is simply not enough time. Thankfully, a reader was a paying member, had some nice things to say about Raven, and allowed me to access the room via his paid portion. Without revealing the name of the subscriber, I will say that the bulk of this review is predicated upon a single week in July.
In addition to the single week in July, I also managed to cobble together an additional three days of screen recordings in August. These additional trading days were essential in determining whether the July sample was a fluke.
The Results
During the one week trial in July, all trades were recorded using Camtasia screen recording software. Everyday, I would check to see if the trades that Raven called inside of the trading room matched perfectly to what I was witnessing on the spreadsheet. Unfortunately, Raven does not update the spreadsheet daily, so I had to wait an extra week to see if the results matched. In particular, I was looking for any performance inflation, or if he omitted any losing trades. Once Raven updated the results on the spreadsheet, I was able to review the trades. In truth, I was pretty amazed to see the exact performance reported and accurate.
A few weeks later, in August 2015, I also conducted three more additional screen recordings. Raven finally updated the trades for the month of August onto the spreadsheet on August 15. Once again, the trades matched perfectly. Truthfully, I was impressed.
The Trading Room Experience
So what can you expect to see inside of the trading room? And, are the trades able to be replicated?
Everyday, the trading room opens at about 5 am. But dont show up that early, I did and I basically just sat there waiting for someone to do something. A better time to show up would be at about 9AM EST. You will usually find Raven begins talking around 9:15AM EST and he begins prepping for a trade at about the open of the market.
One of the things that I really like is that there is plenty of time to follow along and attempt to copy what Raven is doing. As you can see from the following screen shot, the trades are executed directly from the chart. There is none of that BS where the moderator simply say’s, “I AM LONG! LONG! LONG!”. Raven will clearly, at all times display the trades. Which is quite refreshing. Have a look at this recent trade that I captured via screen recording…
Only on a few occasions did I find it difficult to follow along. In particular, he would attempt to execute a trade on the YM for a long trade, while he was concurrently short in the ES. Its seemed a little bit counter intuitive to be long in the YM and short in the ES. However, my opinion does not really matter. The only thing that matters is results and transparency. Raven is certainly transparent.
During the review period, I found only one red flag. It appears that he is trading on a simulator. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of the trading DOM which clearly displayed the dreaded “SIM101” which is the standard simulated trading account at Ninja Trader. Is this something to be concerned about? Truthfully, I am not sure. My suspicion is that sometimes he takes trades on his personal account, and sometimes he takes trades on Sim. Considering how well his individual performance figures look, I am curious why he would ever take a simulated trade.
The simulated trading was definitely something that I wanted to get some feedback on from Raven. And so I called him on the phone.
My Telephone Call With Raven Wood
Usually, when I call a trading room vendor and tell them who I am, they immediately clam up or get defensive. And rightly so, I currently have thousands of people that read my blog on a daily basis, and the vast majority of my reviews are downright ugly. Nobody wants a bad review! Well, things didn’t go so well with our phone call. Apparently Raven had a shit list of issues with my reviews. In particular, at some point on my blog I was rough on Dean Handley about charging a fee to be on his Trading Titans list and that I implied that Raven had paid to get a good review. This really rubbed Raven the wrong way and he proceeded to express his opinion, lets just say he wasn’t happy. In truth, some do pay Dean Handley for his positive reviews, but in my opinion this is not really a big deal. As long as the product is good, then a paid review for the hard work of preparing a trading review is warranted. However, Raven did not like what that might imply towards him. I explained that I believed him and that was not the issue.
The only issue that I wanted an explanation was the use of a trading simulator. A simple explanation would of sufficed, but Raven proceed into a 10 minute diatribe calling me a criminal (true), a former inmate at a Federal Prison (true), a former member of the Boston mob (true), a scoundrel and a thief (true), and whole host of other things, none of them nice (mostly true).
In truth, I just wanted a bit of clarification on the use of a simulator.
Wrapping Things Up
Whether Raven Wood likes me or dislikes me is really not important. The only thing that is important is whether this guy is running a trading scam. I have to say with complete honesty, the guy is certainly no scammer. I found that his trading signals are spot on, highly replicable, and they guy is damn good trader. I honestly feel that something positive can be learned from him. Writing this review is certainly a breath of fresh air for me, the vast majority of my reviews are downright ugly. I only wish that I could of gotten along a little better with Mr. Raven Wood.
Also, I want to give a big thumbs up to Dr. Dean Handley for being the person that originally found this trading room. Without his hard work and efforts, this room would probably still be languishing in some dark corner of the internet. I have been critical of a few Dean’s reviews in the past, but on this trading product, he certainly got it right.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below. Even the haters will find that their voices are heard.
Reven Wood is now operating under Have you had a chance to check him out Emmett?
Hi Joe,
Can you please request a review at Trader.Help? All review requests are registered at this new website.
Does anyone know WTF is going on with Rev?? He has stopped his track record on his website “while website is under construction” and says its now listed somewhere on Facebook. Apparently his website has been under construction for 6 months now!
Then about 6 weeks ago I get an email from him saying his room is now entirely free to everyone!! Just get there early to get a seat…???? One of the few guys with a positive review and he’s acting strange….
Free? Doesn’t look free to me: .
RIP TradeWithRev
RIP Room closed without warning late Jan2016. Reven room went free without much notice at beginning of 2016. And you paid for the signals to be traded through a broker. The Broker was testing the signals in the month of Dec 2015. And got 1K per ES contract. Then went live in Jan 2016 and lost 1K per contract. Although, I think some of the signals were coming from another trader in the room in Jan and were not all Revs in Jan. If you remember Jan 2016 was not the standard Jan with the market selling off and very jumpy.
Pre-Broker Rev did allow people to communicate with each other though a message box. His trades were on the screen in advance although some were fast. Reven did have some nice unofficial swing trades. Rev did change his style of trading every several months which made is difficult for me to trade. Not know the history of the new style and wanting to trade in sim first. At first he traded in Ninja Sim which is very similar to real trading (unlike tradestations “price touch” Sim). In the last many months his switched to Real money and some practice trades in Sim. Rev clear called out this trades with 1 to 2 trades on most days. Many trades were near the market open, but some trades would be called out mid afternoon. His track record was not keep up to date properly in the last several months. Listing trades without the dates on facebook. And one final though, he was one of the best FOMC news traders I have see, but you needed a large account to trade it as he would add if the market went against him. Miss Him.
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Thanks for sharing this. Looks like I have to pull this review down.
Big mikes trading .
Anyone familiar with Reven Wood at Trade with Rev: Revs Futures Day Trading | Live Educational Trading Room Dean Handley gives him a positve review, but not sure how biased or unbiased Handley is.
In a previous thread on pure tick i had a screenshot that showed he only trades on sim. He accidentally shared the wrong screen and i caught him red handed. Caveat emptor.
Have sat in on 2 free trials of Rev’s room. He does show his DOM and calls out his trades in advance. He also posts accurate win/loss records each day (they were accurate for the 5 days I was in the room). Is he trading live or sim? Not sure.
Was in there for a while…he is not a super-good trader and I didnt see how his trading could add to mine so i didn’t stay. And his charts are a MESS, talk about overload!
to be fair, you will have to take the Dr’s suggestions into account, as it seems that anyone that is a “vendor” that does not post with a narrow definition here gets banned, I have been accused of being in the vendor class because my cousin and I work together developing for NinjaTrader altho we do not sell anything. I have also witnessed other developers using the forum to further they own work and they do not share the spoils of the community advancing their private work, so just because he is banned here means little to me, Dr Handly as I understand it has spent time in every trade room in the us and has is being sued by Rev’s former Trading room. In which Rev thinks the guy is a tool.
So the question is who is a better source of rating a trading room, Dr Handly or the fact that he is banned here?
Dean Handley banned here? Where did that come from? My lord, nothing would make me happier than if Dean came onto this blog and gave his reasoning behind some of his reviews. I disagree with Dean on some rooms, that is obvious. But I also agree with Dean on some rooms. And I always give Dean credit when he gets it right. When he gets it wrong, then I call him out. There is far less animosity between Dean and myself than most people realize. We both are looking for the same thing….good trading rooms. The only difference is that, in my opinion, I do a better and more thorough job of investigating.
In addition, I am not afraid to call out some of these bozo’s. Dean attacks nobody (except me). I attack everybody. We operate differently. I have a staff of people, Dean works by himself. My goal is to be the premium source with the highest traffic and widest possible audience. Dean just wants to charge these guys a few bucks each month and operate his own little trading room.
Regarding Rev, the guy is an assclown. And I hated writing his positive review. Really, I hated it. The guy is a mean spirited, hostile jerk and is the last person I would personally want to teach me anything. However, I reviewed his room and his signals were valid. Sure, he trades SIM, but so does Joe Rios and I love Joe Rios.
Finding good signals and a valid trader to learn from is incredibly difficult. They are a needle in the haystack. Maybe others can learn something useful and positive from Rev, I hope they do.
Do you have review of Tom Busby DTI? He’s rude and arrogant, i don’t think he trades.
Charges out of this world prices for crap, oh by the way thanks for review on ACE trades,
Raven wood you are an idiot, why would any one want to be learn from you? Or is it emmett moore who is the scam artist? You put up a bad review or raven wood but then change your mind after he responds to you, with what? Sorry but you are both full of your selves!
I was in your room for the last 2 days. You did use a DOM to show your trades as they were made. You also traded on the ES (not the TF) which is good for all of us that want to scale up our trading to say 10, 20 or 30 contacts per trade. However your performance record has many errors in it. Can you use a spreadsheet like excel to correct the math errors. Why should I trust a moderator who won’t even take the time to post a mathematically correct performance record. Thanks, TraderTom
absolutely right on comment Tom. his results are littered with errors along with a very suspect trading commission amount.
Emmett i wasnt sure if you were able to look back through all of his archives. I was very concerned when I noticed he had a draw down of over $6000 for 1 day -Feb 10 2014 I believe trading 3 contracts and losing almost every trade that day. His stops were at over 20 points on most trades that day and there were a host of trades around 15. anyone trading a smaller account would never never want to risk those kind of stops ever ..Maybe he was just having a knuckle head day but irregardless that is one big red flag.
Is it just me or do there appear to either be a lot of input errors on Revs spreadsheet regarding IN and OUT prices and the associated P/L listed for those trades or just a bunch of BS trades???
EX: June 30 2015 @ 10:06 L 2 IN @ 2075.25 OUT @ 2058.50 P/L 10 Ticks
WTF???!!!! To me that looks like about a 17 pt. (68 ticks x 2) LOSS????!!! and there’s plenty of these similar type entries on his spreadsheet… he’s either really careless updating his trades or he’s completely full of shit!
Let me take another look at that!
looks like a simple case of dyslexia. 2075.25 should be 2057.25.
10 ticks if out at 2058.50.
Reven is a strange guy indeed. He can definitely trade though. I like the fact that there is a comment section in the room aswell, where anyone can comment and anyone can read it live. Not sure if the comments are filtered before being allowed in the room or not. Im guessing not though because my comments show up relatively quickly after being made. I’ve never said anything judgemental either to be screened so who knows. I’ve been seeing a Dr Dean commenting in the room im guessing its Dr Dean Handley. (He praises Reven like a lap dog which can be quite off putting). just an example is when Reven held 5 contracts on the S&P overnight and we got a small peak of them the next morning by accident, they were -$6500 at that stage, obviously sim or Reven has balls of steel, nothing was said. Later on the trade went green and showed up on the trade screen about $2000 in the green. Dr Dean Handley thought it was great and showered Reven in praise, It would be great at a risk to reward ratio of 1 to 3 maybe. who is going to trade that ratio? Not me.
Wrapping it up before this becomes a short story I would say Reven has something to teach, you’ve just got to put up with the commentary.
ok thank you Robert, RiosQuant gives you a two week trial
Trader, I have never tried RiosQuant room. I only go to room that trade pure price action with no proprietary indicators. The last room I tried that Dean Handley recommended was the Jaquar Club. What a complete joke that room was. His students went after him on Big Mike and he closed his room after that.
I have yet to find a truly honest, show trades and show actual P/L that trades profitable.
I was thinking about trying Craig’s room. A poster above mentioned he was in Craig’s room on a trial, but when I contacted them they said they did not offer trials.
what do you think about RiosQuant
First Emmett I wanted to thank you for your work here. Most trading rooms are complete smoke and mirror cons. And even with you history I trust you more than Dean Handley. Every room he recommended I went into and lost money. He is now recommending Global trading Room. What a complete joke. Talk about a complete circus hindsight no trades shown room. I and everyone I know that has tried their trial has lost money trying to follow their very murky calls, yet Dean claims to make money hand over fist. I would not trust Dean at all. I wish you added a spread sheet showing all the trades you take in the rooms so we can see the draw downs and etc. Another suggestion is maybe add a section where we can bring up trading rooms we have experience and give feedback. Lastly someone mentioned Trading concept. They did not seem to have very good reviews at Big Mike or ForexPeaceArmy. And I could find no posting of their results.
Been in Reven’s room for several trials. In my humble opinion he is a very honest guy that is a good trader and wants his members to succeed.
How long do you think it would take to get to a point where you could consistently go in and out of his trades as he does? His strategy seems a little bit complicated.
You should think of your education with Rev as not so much as a “Trader Copycat”, where you are tying to simply copy each and every trade. Rather, once you are comfortable and confident that his results are authentic, then you need to adsorb whatever he has too offer. Once you do that, then the real journey begins as you need to improve it, and make it truly yours.
Example: At the OilTradingGroup, Jason Love trades crude oil. And his style is successful, however he is absolutely comfortable losing $10,000 during the course of a month. He trades multiple lots. A few of his students have taken the genesis of what he teaches and have made it their own, with even better performance. Jason has now pushed through 8 people through the TopStepTrader program, which is not easy. Students that go ahead and become successful are the true measure of a mentor.
So, you need to focus on only the educators with actual real time performance, that is proven. If comfortable, then your goal is to absorb and then improve and make it your own version.
Do you know why birds fly upside down over Emmett Moore?
Because there is nothing worth shitting on.
Oh thats cute! Thanks Joe.
Though there are plenty of people that would like to drop a brick on my head.
just sent you an email thanks
Emmet do you have an email address I can email you for a question? thanks
Sure, you can reach me at
Here is a redflag
It won’t let me copy and paste, but check out what Rev’s posted results are for June 26, 2015 – $ 8,464.86 …….I don’t think so. Those numbers don’t add up at all!
Not sure I saw that big loss. But in all fairness, every trader is going to have ugly drawdowns. The fact its posted is actually a good thing.
That was not a loss but what he supposedly made in 1 day.
Nice work here! I was looking at Rev before and always believed his trades were real.
I”m contemplating between REV and Craig Hills’ trading room at Trading Concepts…they seem to do really well…….any suggestions??
Todd Mitchel of Trading Concepts has been pestering me to review Craig’s room. Which is a pretty good sign. He seems pretty confident that its the best real money trading room in existence.(whatever that means) I dont want to reveal too much as I dont want these guys to know if I am in the room or not.
Awesome, can’t wait for your review… you are getting onto some good traders. I was in Craig’s room on a trial a few months back and really liked his overall approach and style. I was also in Revs a year ago….both are legit traders….I didn’t like the messy chart of Rev, but I see it looks much cleaner from your pic.
Todd Mitchell has been selling his crap since the beginning of time. once you get on his email list you will be spammed to death.
Lets wait for the tape. The tape dont lie.
I agree with Todd being a lifetime marketer. Been selling trading products forever. However, I gotta watch the tape. Who knows, maybe he has a nice race horse in his stable? Better to be thorough and evaluate on the tape.
Not to mention the mindset difference in trading real money compared to a sim.
I don’t like how you swapped in the need of having a nice web site from hating on SIM traders.
Traders are not web designers, scammers are.
Traders are not marketers, scammers are.
The few people I like have really sh!tty sites.. but it’s not the flashyness of the site but the content and the person.
By focusing on how nice their site is and over looking the SIM issue, you’re just helpng the scammers.
Sim traders are just that, and you should hate on it, because you don’t make money on it and anyone taking live trading advice from someone on a SIM, is a complete fool… regardless of how nice they are, or grumpy or how much money they make on sim.
I can make a killing on sim, but i’m more reserved on live.
I hear what you are saying, for sure. But on the other hand, its actually more difficult to execute winning trades on a simulator than on a real account. Why? The sims do not so easily reward limit order fills. So, as I watched the tape of Revs trades, it was pretty clear that his signals were not BS. But we can disagree on this issue. I respect your opinion.
A reader sent me an email earlier today asking me how I could give this grumpy, egotistical and argumentative fellow a good review? Believe me, I didnt want to. I just reported what I had witnessed. With that being said, I have a whole slew of great reviews coming down the pipe, so readers will be able to pick and choose between the verified and honest vendors.
Another surprising thing has happened recently, am getting requests from random traders, with verified account statements in hand that are looking to start advisories and trading rooms. Eventually, the scammers are going BYE BYE, and the cream will rise to the top. Its happening now.
Hi Emmett,
It’s obvious, if you trade SIM you make your money from ‘educating’ your followers.
Thus not from trading and therefore the educator is not a trader but a scammer… very very simple formula, I don’t know why you changed it.
That’s good that live traders are coming out… would be interesting how they prioritize trading versus the room of noobs.
If agree about the SIM statement. Totally. But the hard cold reality of writing these reviews…I decided to lower the bar, just a little. Is Rev purely SIM? More than likely. But his signals were good, so i gave him the benefit of the doubt. Instead of just shitting on his head.
Regardless, the trading education business is changing rapidly. The old school educators that have been around for a few years are going BYE BYE. Replacements are going to all be real traders, with real, verifiable account statements. Just watch, its going to happen. But for the time being, have to keep flushing the toilet on many of these turd educators.
I don’t think it matters if they are live trading or not. The only thing that matters to me is if they are going to help me to make money. If there was someone out there who just did training and signals and actually was better at it because they had no emotional attachment to the trades I would prefer that.
I am willing to give simulated signals the benefit of the doubt…only if the signals are very easy to copy, and do not abuse limit orders. The track record needs to be highly scrutinized.
Of course, the absolute best scenario is if the moderator is actually trading a live account, 100% of the time. But through observation in watching so many rooms, a lot of these guys will sometimes take the trades live with the DOM showing, then for whatever reason will take a trade on SIM. I am willing to be a little flexible on this myself. The real question is whether the method that they teach actually holds water. Do they have something worthwhile to teach?
Nothing pissed me off more than a moderator publishing a BS spreadsheet of trades that were created after the market closed. And they dont trade with a DOM or trading from the charts. Bare minimum the DOM needs to be showing.
that is incorrect, Emmett, you can set it up as you wish, hard fills or immediate, unless you scalp for a tick in treasuries its all irrelevant
It’s been over a year since Emmett wrote this review. After all the scams since, I think the positives mentioned about revs only diminishes. If the monthly membership was $50 to $100/month it might be worth it. That its’ the same $300/month similar to Netpicks doesn’t really differentiate it from the worst sim rooms. A problem with sim only, is that it’s hard to tell with the “spreadsheet” or whatever track record is real and consistent. I’ve been in rooms in the past where there would be magical trades and outright discrepancies. Since the spotlight passed over Sachs, the scum is fudging his monthly track record again as recent posts by room members attest. He needs to be locked up as his crimes are worthy of an American Greed episode narrated by Stacy Keach, lol.
I don’t know one end from the other when it comes to trading. I’m trying to find a real trade room that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I don’t have a lot of money or time to screw around with these places that charge 2000 a year just to be in a trade room. I just want to learn and be able to do or rather try it on my own. The only one that seems to be real is trader shark and emini trading strategies. Although eminbe trading strategies isn’t that cheap. If you can trade with simulator and make lots of money, why can’t you do it in live trading? Your letting your emotions get in the way because you have real money on the table. Your afraid of losing that money and screw up. I would guess.
I found this review of Rev not very helpful but this review was:
They got my rap sheet a little bit wrong on my personal review. Specifically, the Commercial Express scam, in which I was a major player was not $18 million. Rather, I believe that was $400 million. An $18 million dollar scam was too small for me.
Money laundering, racketeering, financial fraud, organized crime syndicate….am lucky to be alive.
Well done – someone went through the trouble of setting up a website just for you. You must be doing something right.
OH MY GOD John! That review was a revelation. I wouldn’t have believed what I was reading except that the author got all of his information from Emmett’s own review of his criminal past here:
It was full of damning evidence of the inaccuracy of Emmett’s reviews, such as his inability to spell the Philippines correctly. And for good measure they also threw in their bigoted and racist views on the intelligence and capability of Emmett’s employee because she is from the Philippines. All the while siding with scam trading room operators who ask for $1,000 a year for their service but who feel that clients have no right to have reasonable standards of business practice adhered to. 1. Trade a real account and not a sim – UNREASONABLE 2. Display the DOM so that trade entries and exits can be verified – UNREASONABLE 3. Upload original brokerage statements that are verified to evaluate profit/loss – UNREASONABLE
Yes John you are certainly on the right side of this debate.
(Do you think he will understand sarcasm?)
I am pissed off that they diminished my reputation by stating that I perpetrated an 18 million dollar fraud, when it was clearly a 450 million dollar fraud! Who would waste their time on a measly 18 million? My god, do some research. LOL.
Emmett, I am a bit disappointed with you. For months you go on how providers should be trading real money and here you write:
“Is this something to be concerned about? Truthfully, I am not sure.”
Hi Tom,
Your comment is certainly true. However, as I have progressed and evolved in writing these reviews, I have had to lower the bar a peg. The simple truth is that 99.9% of these trading rooms are using a simulator, and or a combo between sim and live account. And so the line is little blurred. And regarding Rev’s trading room, it really chapped my hide writing this positive review because the personality of Rev is extremely abrasive. My review is certainly going to be a huge payday for this guy. However, I am bound to truth…else I am just another scammer. And so I simply reported the truth as i witnessed it.
In my opinion, Rev may perhaps feel a kinship towards the other titans on Dean’s list. And perhaps his extreme anger towards me was fueled by whatever relationships he formed with some of the other vendors. Perhaps he was upset that I, at one time implied that he paid for his review. I dont know the answer. Its important to also note that Dean has had others that have fallen out of favor from the Titan’s list and have been removed for either not paying the monthly listing fee, or they turned out to be scammers and Dean later discovered this.
I have also gotten quite a few of these trading rooms wrong in the past. Have myself been hustled and tricked, so I cannot be too judgmental.
I will wrap it up by just being as truthful about what I witness as possible. I think Rev has a good product. But a really bad attitude, which I dont really understand.
Jeez Raven – you’ve just been awarded a v rare 4 star review by Emmett (which seem harder to get that a Michelin restaurant star!) and you’re about to get a shed load of traffic to your site on the back of it. Instead of popping the champagne your swinging away like Muhammad Ali ! I’d hate to see you on a bad day! Congrats on running a great room.
My name is Reven… and for the record, this guy that wrote this,is,the same guy that told me 4 years ago almost to the day that there is no way that I can have a profit factor of 8.0.
Now your trying to be on my good side since you noticed that you are the one that is full of shit.
I do not endorse the credibility of the author and I do not condone his work and how he was in my room illegally.
I told him he was to post that he stole my service to access this information.
Further more if you were paying attention in my room, you saw me,switching from live to sim after my profit targets were hit.
You are portray g that you can come in my room and just pull the trigger. You are the one doing a diservice to the trading community by posting this rubbish.
The reason all of these losing traders continue to lose is purely based on this garbage that is on this site.
I would have no free trial and charge 10,000.00 a month to keep people like you from ever seeing what really making money looks like.
Hi Reven,
Nice to see your comment. Keep up the good work!
LOlOLOLOL that’s a mature answer
Did I not mention that Rev is grumpy dude? There’s the proof! LOL.
Grumpy old curmudgeon feels violated because I sneaked in and recorded. Everyone gets treated the same…the reviews have to be secret.
Haha my god I couldn’t stop laughing! I can tell Even know his craft just by reading his reaction reply and the fees he commands. A very convincing good reply for the naked and hilarious mature rebuttals.
Thx again for the site Emmet, hope you change your mind about adding “donate” buttons!
super funny!
Really Reven?, Emmett is doing a disservice to the trading community by shining a light on the criminal activity of trading room operators who are lying to paying customers about their trades? You need to get your morality compass checked. You’re not too bright are you Mr. Wood. The traffic and clients you could have picked up from this review has been diminished by you taking the side of the scammers in the trading community.
Reven Wood, show me your brokerage statements and tax returns to prove you are not a fraud. They will show that you make your money by selling “memberships, call consults, mentorships and indicators”