Money Tide and Day Trading Forecasts

Money Tide and Day Trading Forecasts
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Dr. Al Larson is an adorable old guy. But he is also a certifiable nut that needs to get back on his medication.

Performance claims that border on fantastical, with no trading losses in the past 25 years. A certifiable whack-a-doodle that claims he can “See the face of God” and this imaginary God revealed a super secret trading formula that he is willing to sell for only $6,000.

Claims that secret energy fields from a yet unidentified alien planet are permeating our bodies and we must use these secret energy fields to predict financial markets. Claims to be able to time travel.

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Day Trading Forecasts and Money Tide is a day trading educational service and signals trading service by a person named Dr. Al Larson. The companies are selling the following trading products and services:

  • Emini SP500 day trading signals for $297 per month.
  • Chaos Trading Course $300
  • Fractal of Pi Trading Course $300
  • Face Of God Trading Trading Course $1250
  • Stargo Trading Course $2600
  • WinXGo Trading Software $1800

Dr. Al Larson claims to be a PhD scientist in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, a Veteran of WW2, a professional day trader, and a “fellow traveler on earth.”

Truth be told, Al Larson is an adorable old character. But he is also batshit crazy.

Supposed track record

Dr. Al Larson claims quite the track record of day trading the Emini SP500 futures contract. In fact, he states in promotional materials that since he discovered the “secret hidden energy formula” that he has not had a losing month of trading. And we are talking about since the 1980’s.

An examination of his supposed track record that is posted at shows a flawless track record. Not a losing month since February 2002. Yep, you are reading this correctly…never a losing month in 15 years! He claims over $4,000,000 in trading profits during this span.

Furthermore, he also claims that one of his customers made over $2,000,000 in profits while trading only 5 months.

Contacting Dr. Al Larson

TradingSchools.Org reached out to Dr. Al and requested some sort of proof of his supposed trading glory. We figured that with a trading course that claims to teach how to “See the face of God” and apply this to trading, that he would be more than willing to show redacted account statements of his trading success.

Dr. Al is a scientist, and surely he can appreciate actual evidence. Data points that can be measured and scrutinized by peers within the trading community. But alas, Dr. Al wanted nothing to do with sharing his personal trading results. Instead, he offered anecdotal evidence that since many people had paid him up to $36,000 to learn his magical secrets, this validated his material.

One has to wonder whom would be nutty enough to give Dr. Al Larson $36,000 to witness “The Face Of God”.

I love an old quote that my mother used to say, “Never argue with someone that believes their own lies.” In the case of Dr. Al Larson, he has been selling this nonsense for so long, that it has created a feedback loop. When he sells yet another sucker his trading course, this validates his belief system.

Thanks for reading. Sorry if I wasted your time with this review. But incredibly, 11 people requested that I contact Al and attempt to verify his performance claims.


  1. ted chuang May 20, 2019
  2. DBJ June 21, 2018
    • Emmett Moore June 21, 2018
      • DBJ June 22, 2018
        • Emmett Moore June 22, 2018
  3. Douglas June 13, 2017
    • Emmett Moore June 13, 2017
  4. dtchurn May 23, 2017
    • dtchurn May 23, 2017
      • Chris February 18, 2019
  5. Stray Dog May 22, 2017
    • Cyn May 23, 2017
    • dtchurn May 27, 2017

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