Chris Dunn and Daily Trading Profits, Et al.
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Chris Dunn has no verifiable track record of trading success. Instead, he is master promoter and top tier salesperson. If this review were about salesmanship, then Chris Dunn would get 5 stars. However, this review is about a trading product. And Chris Dunn is selling a $5,000 trading product that has been built upon an unproven foundation. The live trading room is nothing more than a chat room, there is no live trading. No trading from the charts, no trading DOM, no record of trades, no verifiable account statements. 100% sales puffery of unproven trading techniques.

User Review
3.18 (28 votes)
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)
Pros: Wonderful sales presentation.
Cons: Chris Dunn has no verifiable track record of trading success. Chris refuses to verify if he even has a trading account. The live trading room is nothing more than a chat room, no live trading, no trading DOM, no way to verify anything or any of his grand claims of trading success.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Chris Dunn and Daily Trading Profits

Who is Chris Dunn and what is Daily Trading Profits? Chris Dunn is an entrepreneur. And he is one hell of a good salesman. He is a people person. First and foremost, he sells stuff and likes to make money. He is a creative guy. And I mean this as a complement. The guy is a doer. He married his high school sweetheart, Nikki. She is also charming and a real looker. She helps him run the business. A few years ago, Nikki’s mom came onboard, and she also helps run the business.

And the business is trading education. But before we get into the trading educational aspect, I would like to take a moment and give you a background of Chris. This should help bring some perspective to the trading educational business.

Chris’s first business was an auto detailing business. He started this back in high school. From high school, Chris then went into sales. Specifically, he got involved in real estate as a mortgage broker. This is a business that I am very familiar with. Its a sales business, its a people business. Selling mortgages is about making friends with people and getting people to feel comfortable and confident that you can deliver a purchase mortgage or a refinance mortgage. The mortgage business is not about smarts, its about hustle. And Chris has a ton of hustle, so I can imagine that he did pretty good.

In 2007, the mortgage business cratered. It was a once in a generation bust where banks went out of business overnight. Mortgage brokers took the biggest hit. The vast majority of mortgage brokers had to find something else to do…and quickly. It appears that at this exact moment, Chris made the leap from selling mortgages to selling trading educational products. Lets take a look at the timeline and how all of this played out.

In 2008, Chris Dunn starts A review of previous content on Archive.Org shows that he initially started his blog as sort of a life coach, inspirational guru, self help enthusiast, and a smattering of talk about becoming a day trader. As you follow the early parts of the blog and into 2009, you can really witness the transition into becoming a trading educational guru. In the later part of 2008, Chris started Daily Trading Profits.

Daily Trading Profits

Quite simply, Daily Trading Profits is a day trading/swing trading educational company that focuses an individual product on either stocks, bitcoin, or futures. Daily Trading Profits attempts to segment and partition prospective purchasers of products into a sales funnel. The sales funnel includes a stocks trading course that can be found at The course is your standard primer on technical analysis. Nothing fancy here. The cost is $497 and is an online educational product. There are quite literally thousands of different courses on the internet regarding technical analysis, I would consider this just another in the genre. It appears that Trader Formula for stocks was developed in 2013.

Bitcoin Trading Academy

Bitcoin Wealth AllianceThe next product would be Bitcoin Trading Academy, established in 2013. It appears that Chris was looking to cash in on the hype surrounding Bitcoins and decided to develop a trading course similar to A quick view of Archive.Org shows that the site was never actually built out. From day one, the landing page shows that the Bitcoin Trading Academy was “Sold Out!”. My best guess is that in 2013, when bitcoin made that huge move from basically zero to over $1,000, Chris saw this as an opportunity to sell a trading course specifically tailored to Bitcoins. The landing page at Bitcoin Trading Academy has a “Join The Notification List”. In other words, Chris is simply watching to see if the interest perks up in Bitcoin. It it does, then I am sure he will be selling a technical analysis course on Bitcoins. Chris also started a couple of other websites hyping bit coins; MoreBitCoins.Info and BitCoinWealthAlliance.Com.

Bitcoin Wealth Alliance

Bitcoin Wealth Alliance is a $27 dollar ebook that is sold on Clickbank. What is it? It is quite simply a hype festival where Chris sells the sizzle of bitcoins, combined with the sexy of technical analysis. If you watched the promotional video at, then you probably got the underlying principle of what Chris is trying to do…hype bitcoins combined with his secret sauce of technical analysis. Its a cheap product. I rather expect that this cheap product will be used as a base for an up sell that will fuel the soon to be Bitcoin Trading Academy. Enough with the talk of Bitcoin, lets now move onto Chris’s next set of products.

Ok, the next Chris Dunn product that we are going to take a look at his is the EminiAcademy.comΒ What is this? It appears that this site popped up in about late 2009 and sells a set of special sauce indicators, a series of online trading tutorials, as well as an online trading room. The cost of this product is $4,990. A deep search shows that there are a whole host of complaints filed on Investimonials and Big Mike’s Trading. One thing you might of noticed, the home page for is actually a dead page with nothing showing. However, I was able to dig deeper into the website and found the still functioning portions of the website. In response to the mounting online complaints and tarnished reputation, it appears that Chris put together another website offering the exact same product. This new website is titled, is the exact same offering as No difference whatsoever. Chris is simply attempting to ditch the old complaints regarding If you visit, you can see that the landing page attempts to immediately collect an email address, once you enter your email address, then you are given access to the inner website. However, I will save you the time and frustration of joining Chris’s email list…simply enter, which will get you into the website without having to enter your email address. And believe me, you dont want to give this guy your email address! This dude loves to send promotional email.

Ok, so now you should be starting to get the bigger picture. Chris Dunn is a promoter. A hard core promoter. First and foremost a promoter. We have talked about his stocks educational course, his bitcoins course, and the emini trading course. You would think that this would be enough for even the most hyper aggressive promoter, but you would be wrong. Now Chris is venturing into live trading seminars. He next promotional is Traders and Investors Summit.

Traders and Investors Summit

From October 3-5, 2015 in Las Vegas, for a fee of $297, Chris has put together quite the impressive line up of traders/promoters, including Tim Sykes, Superman Paul Scolardi, Tim Grittani, Hubert Senters, etc. This is a virtual who’s who in the trading promotional world. As you can see, Chris is really the promoter. And thus far, I have given you the broad brush on all of his promotional activities. Now that we can taken the time for this general overview, lets take a closer look at his core promotional product…the $4,990 emini trading education.

chris dunn

Does Chris Dunn Trade?

No. Over the past 60 days I have taken multiple paths in an attempt to answer this question. And this question is really the central thesis and the basis of everything that Chris Dunn is selling. I listened to one interview where he claims to have made $600k in trading the emini’s in 2008, but when I contacted Chris for proof, he simply ignore me. Over the past two months, I have created several aliases and made multiple pushes into his organization. I have spoken to Chris over the phone and asked him point blank to prove that he trades. He refuses and say’s that his trading is not relevant to my trading, I have spoken to his wife Nikki and attempted to get trading performance figures, but she also skirts the issue. She is also claiming to be a full time, successful day trader, but once again NO PROOF. She is plenty nice, but when you speak with her, she contains none of the polish and salesmanship of her husband. Heck, I have even had multiple phone conversation with Nikki’s mom, whom is titled “Education Counselor” and asked her point blank for proof of trading results. She can provide none.

Ok, so we have courses in Bitcoins, stocks day trading, futures day trading, seminars in Vegas….but we have no trading results whatsoever. The guy simply promotes and uses salesmanship to keep wiggling away from the question of whether he actually trades. And I have to give him credit, he is incredibly wiggly about performance disclosure!

Heck, I even spent 3 days inside of the live trading room, which was moderated by a person named Justin. Thankfully a reader of the TradingSchools.Org blog had spent his $297 for the live trading room and was kind enough to give me her entry credentials. There is no free trial of the trading room. You have to fork out $297 to discover that no real trading is happening inside of that trading room. There is a shared screen of Ninja trader with the secret sauce indicators, but not once did Justin ever take a trade. There was no trading DOM present on the screen, no trading from the charts, no live trading accounts present.

I spoke with Nikki’s mom, whom is quite pleasant and asked why no trading was happening inside of the trading room, she explained that they don’t actually trade. That the live day trading room was not a trade calling service, rather the trading room was a chat room where people come together and talk about the indicators. I asked her flatly if she had ever verified that Chris was making money from trading, she was candid, honest and nice in stating that Chris makes his money from selling trading educational products. As far as she knows, and to the best of her knowledge, she believes that Chris can trade successfully, but in truth she has never seen his trading account statements.

What I find incredible about all of this is that Chris has been able to sell all of these products, courses, seminars etc. And nobody has ever put him to the acid test…does Chris Dunn actually trade successfully? Based upon what I have seen, I doubt he even has a trading account.

Does it matter if Chris Dunn trades?

If a person is going to spend $5,000 with Chris Dunn to learn how to trade, you would think that this would be important. But apparently, Chris is such a great salesman that having a bonafide trading record is really not that important. I just find it insane that people fall for these trading educators that have no track record of trading success.

As exasperated I get thinking about how people get duped into sending people like Chris Dunn $5,000 to learn how to trade, I have to give a huge amount of praise for his ability to put all of this stuff together. This is a kid that started with nothing and built a car washing business, then he jumped into mortgages, and has now become a successful trading guru. Have to give credit where credit is due. The kid can sell stuff.

Wrapping Things Up

I have little doubt that Chris Dunn is not going to become a millionaire. But it wont be from trading. He will make his money selling the dream to the dreamers. And I doubt that my negative review will make any dent in his sales. He is so clever at selling stuff that I am sure he will keep finding the angles and the weak spots. As far as buying his trading educational package, that would be a waste. My personal advice to Chris would be to find a proven trader that really does know how to trade. A person with a bonafide track record. Put that person inside of the live day trading room and have this person develop a track record that can be verified. That way he can continue to sell and actually have a product that is worth $5k. And he will feel a whole lot better about himself. It would be a lot of fun to do another review, but have it based upon real trading performance.

I am sure that Chris is going to read this. And I am sure that he is going to think that my review is unfair. But I hope he makes some changes. And the first step is finding someone whom can trade, in real time, with real money. Sell products that he can be proud of, that will allow his business to survive long term, and to thrive. As it stands now, eventually word is going to get out that he cannot trade and he will have to keep creating new websites and building a new reputation. But if he can just find a few successful, proven traders, then he will have a product to sell that he feels good about.

Well that’s it for today. Please don’t forget to leave your comments below. Event the haters will find that their voices are heard.


  1. L P March 27, 2017
  2. lex February 16, 2017
  3. majormongo September 12, 2016
  4. Frederic August 10, 2016
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        • Cyn January 22, 2018
          • Emmett Moore January 22, 2018
        • Mike M January 22, 2018
      • Stray Dog January 22, 2018
  5. Coco July 5, 2016
  6. samzye July 4, 2016
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    • Mikey August 9, 2016
  7. Alan S July 4, 2016
  8. Guest April 24, 2016
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  10. Rafal March 13, 2016
  11. Mark March 11, 2016
  12. sam March 2, 2016
  13. sam March 2, 2016
    • Rafal March 3, 2016
  14. Rafal March 2, 2016
  15. George L December 18, 2015
  16. Amarjit December 5, 2015
  17. NicolaR October 15, 2015
  18. Ray October 7, 2015
    • Singh October 14, 2015
      • Ray October 15, 2015
        • Sam October 23, 2015
  19. Oleg September 29, 2015
  20. Alan S September 27, 2015
    • Rob B September 29, 2015
  21. John Santos September 26, 2015
  22. jim September 26, 2015
  23. Rogue September 25, 2015
  24. Das September 24, 2015
    • Kaiser Soze September 26, 2015
  25. Ray September 24, 2015
  26. Stray Dog September 24, 2015

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