• Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


TradeOTO is an automated trading strategy that is marketed primarily through the Ninja Trader Ecosystem. The cost of the system is $2699.

The owner of TradOTO wishes to remain anonymous. Common sense would question whether it makes sense to send a random person nearly $3k. Should you trust your financial future with a financial adviser that won’t tell you his name?

The owner of TradOTO has no verifiable track record of ever trading successfully. Nor was he willing to share whether he even has a trading account.

TradeOTO has no customers that are willing, or able to verify real-time trading performance.


Thanks for reading today’s review of TradOTO

What is TradOTO? The company is selling a fully automated trading strategy that intraday trades any of  the following markets:

  • Crude Oil Futures
  • E-mini SP500
  • Gold Futures
  • E-mini Nasdaq
  • Euro Futures
  • E-mini Russel
  • E-mini Dow Jones
  • Forex

The cost of the trading strategy is $2699. There is a 30-day trial in which a customer may try out the strategy for $399.  There are no additional monthly fees or renewal fees.

The trading strategy can be imported into either NinjaTrader, TradeStation or Multicharts.

History of TradOTO and NinjaTrader affiliation

According to Archive.Org, the TradOTO website first appeared in late 2016. Additionally, the TradOTO website launch corresponded with a listing on the (much maligned) NinjaTrader Ecosystem.

As many readers are already aware, NinjaTrader allows just about anyone to post ‘magical’ trading products while performing nearly zero due diligence on their NinjaTrader Vendor Ecosystem. Essentially, the NinjaTrader vendor ecosystem is a cesspool of shady vendors selling all manner of whack-a-doodle trading magic and get rich quick schemes. Nearly all of the vendors listed are selling useless dribble and or a steady stream vomit inducing fraudulent trading systems and indicators.

The NinjaTrader ecosystem, in my opinion, should be immediately renamed the NinjaTrader cesspool.

However, I have to give John Gramola of NinjaTrader more than a little bit of credit for attempting to clean up the NinjaTrader cesspool. Oops, I mean ecosystem. In the past year, he has banned vendors from showing hypothetical performance summaries on their websites. These hypothetical performance summaries that vendors use to market trading products is the true ‘nexus of pain.’

But while John is attempting to stamp out fraud, the shady characters have only gotten more creative at inserting hypothetical performance summaries into the sales narrative. Yes, they are not (easily) appearing on their websites, but they are heartily inserting within their email marketing campaigns and social media streams. The following screenshots were pulled from the TradOTO Facebook and Twitter profile pages:

[foogallery id=”8518″]

So by looking at these screenshots, one would assume that TradOTO has really cleaned up this past year. But is it real?

To simply post these screenshots does not prove anything. The only way to discover the truth was to contact TradOTO directly and ask for proof that any of these supposed profits are real or fantasy.

Contacting TradOTO

TradingSchools.Org first contacted TradOTO back in February of 2017. Yes, you are reading this correctly, we first contacted TradOTO nearly a full year ago. At that time, they were pretty new to the scene and we decided to give them time to build a verifiable track record before attempting to write a review.

In my opinion, a full year to “get your shit together” is plenty of time to build a positive reputation. Did they build a positive reputation? Nope. In fact, we were recently contacted by a person that purchased the so-called trading system and was extremely disappointed with the results. This person claims that they were promised a refund, and the refund was refused.

Regardless of only this single complaint, what TradingSchools.Org really wanted to know…does TradOTO now have a verifiable track record of trades. And do these trades match the marketing fluff?

During the month of January and into February, we went into a back and forth on the ground rules for a review. We were very clear that the heart of the review would be based on verifiable performance. TradOTO replied that they have no verifiable performance. They would not share account statements, nor were they able to provide even a single verifiable customer that would be willing share verifiable trading performance. Instead, they offered “proof” in the form of ‘online chat’ with purchasers of the trading system.

In spite of all of this negativity, I have to give Tradoto some credit for being open and honest in all of our dealings. And in the grand scheme of things, they are not flouting terrible outrageous performance summaries. Certainly not the shady BS that TradingSchools.Org is used to seeing on a daily basis.

Finally, another cause of concern is that the person behind TradOTO refuses to identify themselves. Actually, I know who it is. But I will not be exposing them. Unless I start receiving a boatload of complaints.

Does this man own TradOTO? Could be!

Wrapping things up

So lets go over what we do know…

  • Owner of TradOTO refuses to publicly identify himself.
  • Owner of TradOTO does not ‘eat his own cooking’
  • After over a year in business, TradOTO has no verifiably happy customers.

Tradoto, when you read this, I want you to know that I am grateful for you being as transparent as you were. You were honest during the review process. You described the full logic behind the trading strategy. And I want to thank you for this.

However, this seems pretty obvious to me that you are probably just an internet marketer. You probably purchased the system from another vendor and put together a pretty nice looking website in which to sell your product. I get it. But at the end of the day, you are not trading your own product. After a year of selling this trading system, you have yet to put your own money at risk. Nor are you able to find a happy customer that has profited from the strategy.

At this time, potential investors should steer clear of TradOTO. They are simply not ready for ‘prime time.’

Thanks for reading. And please leave a comment below.


  1. Patrick Bert January 25, 2020
  2. Carlos November 10, 2019
    • Joan December 7, 2019
  3. Gregory August 15, 2018
    • Matt@TRADOTO August 18, 2018
  4. Frank F. August 12, 2018
    • Emmett Moore August 12, 2018
    • Matt@TRADOTO August 13, 2018
      • Emmett Moore August 14, 2018
        • Matt@TRADOTO August 14, 2018
  5. Kari August 11, 2018
    • Emmett Moore August 11, 2018
    • Matt@TRADOTO August 13, 2018
    • Tom August 14, 2018
      • Matt@TRADOTO August 14, 2018
        • Tom August 19, 2018
  6. John Bretel June 15, 2018
    • ROBERT H SCHMITT December 6, 2018
      • John Bretel December 15, 2018
  7. PRAB BALASUBRAMANIAN April 17, 2018
    • ROBERT H SCHMITT December 6, 2018

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