The Lincoln List

The Lincoln List
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


The Lincoln List is a day trading educational company with a live day trading room that specializes in stock day trading.

The “real” track record of supposed day trades is pure fiction. But hey, at least the owner of the company, Doug Rumer admits it. Not too often a day trading educator tells the truth about performance.

I suspect the owner of the company probably does trade. And probably does offer some basic and useful day trading advice. But the supposed track record of trades is so far-fetched and ridiculous that only the most naive and ignorant would believe it.

Until Doug Rumer cleans up his act, and starts being real about actual trading performance, readers should be as serious as attached video.

Pros: Some useful basic information about day trading.
Cons: The track record of trades is complete and total nonsense.

Thanks for reading today’s review of The Lincoln List

What is The Lincoln List? The company is a one-man trading company, owned by Doug Rumer. The Lincoln List offers the following day trading products and services:

  • Live Day Trading Room $79.95 per month.
  • Trading As An Art DVD $99.
  • Champ Camp “How to make trading a career in less than 3 months” $999.
  • Clique Fund Access $2500.

The Lincoln List maintains the following social media profiles:

A review of reveals that The Lincoln List website originated sometime in 2010.

Trading Performance

Doug Rumer has made several claims as to profitability.

In 2013, he claims to have turned $25k into $1,700,000 in trading profits.

From mid-2010 through 2015 Doug reported the following trades on (self-reported) It appears that he went years without ever losing a single trade.

The Lincoln List

In addition, on The Lincoln List website, Doug claims that he has alerted his subscribers $1,722,631 in trading profits.

Doug also claims that since 2010, he has returned an average annual 150% return on investment.

On December 31, 2016, the attached blog post, Doug Rumer claims that his “Day Trading Account had gains of $291,270 in trading profit, or 191% account growth.” Furthermore, he claims that 90% of these profits were made shorting stocks. If true, this would be a herculean achievement. Considering that 2016, the stock market went up nearly ever single day, this claim of 90% winning trades at shorting stocks is akin to building an atomic bomb in the spare bedroom.

Doug Rumer

If any of this performance is true, then Doug Rumer has to be one of the greatest and most successful traders currently living on planet earth. With such amazing profits, it makes you wonder why anyone would be aggressively selling a day trading room for $79.95 per month.

With these types of supposed performance figures, it really isn’t a surprise that TradingSchools.Org has received over a dozen inquiries to review The Lincoln List. The vast majority of the questions that readers have been asking, “Is this performance real?”

Is the performance real?

During the month of December 2016, I reached out to Doug Rumer via email. I was very plain in describing that a review would be written, that several readers had asked about the supposed performance, and could he provide some sort of proof of the truly incredible track record of trades. To my surprise, Doug actually responded, and was quite pleasant during our conversation.

So is the performance real? No. And Doug admitted it. Truth be told, I was pretty shocked that he just came right out and said it. A Trading Schools.Org first! Pretty refreshing actually. Usually, I have to weed through multiple layers of BS, using fake names and fake email addresses to get near the truth.

So what about that track record Doug? In speaking with Doug, my sense is that he feels like “everyone else is doing it, so why shouldnt I?” That might sound like a pretty callous response, but the truth is that he is right Everyone Else Is Doing It. And since the financial regulators have largely ignored the day trading educational world, it has created this environment where people like Timothy Sykes, Bulls On Walls Street, Fous Alerts, Warrior Trading, etc….have been able to mass market with little fear of regulatory retaliation. It’s just a big fucking shit show of fraud and misrepresentation, where small time investors get the short end of the stick.

With Doug’s refreshing (tiny) bit of honesty regarding performance, I promised him that I would try and figure out someway to give him an extra star on the review.

Wrapping things up

Doug, if you are reading this. I would encourage you to dump the ridiculous performance claims. This type of marketing nonsense has worked really well in the past. But the universe has definitely shifted. The vast majority of people that are contacting me about your trading service are doing so out of comedy and humor. People are quite literally laughing at you. I feel like someone should be honest with you, and let you know that your socks are not matching. People are laughing. You can hear the laughs, Doug. But what you don’t seem to understand is that they are actually laughing at you.

Doug, I would love to come back at a later date and craft a new review. But it has to be on real numbers. And you know what? You might be surprised to learn that you can offer a trading product that allows you to be proud of what you are doing. To be able to live with yourself. You don’t need to claim millions of dollars in profits in order to build a loyal following.

Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to leave a comment below.


  1. jim March 23, 2017
  2. jim January 12, 2017
  3. dtchurn January 10, 2017
  4. Mike January 10, 2017
    • Goagal January 13, 2017
      • Mike January 19, 2017
        • Emmett Moore January 20, 2017
          • Philip January 22, 2017
            • Rob B January 22, 2017
              • Philip January 22, 2017
                • Rob B January 22, 2017
                • Philip January 23, 2017
                • rtchoke January 23, 2017
                • Rob B January 23, 2017
                • Rob B January 23, 2017
              • rtchoke January 23, 2017
                • rtchoke January 23, 2017
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                • rtchoke January 23, 2017
                • dtchurn January 23, 2017
                • Stray Dog January 23, 2017
                • Stray Dog January 23, 2017
    • Eric June 30, 2017
  5. Joe Martin January 7, 2017
  6. Rob B January 5, 2017
  7. Chris Bishop January 5, 2017
    • Emmett Moore January 5, 2017
      • Chris Bishop January 5, 2017
        • Rob B January 5, 2017
    • Rob B January 5, 2017
    • Stray Dog January 5, 2017
      • Rob B January 5, 2017
      • dtchurn January 6, 2017
  8. Ari January 5, 2017
    • jim January 5, 2017
      • lyirc January 5, 2017
    • Emmett Moore January 5, 2017
      • Stray Dog January 5, 2017
        • Stray Dog January 5, 2017
          • rtchoke January 5, 2017
  9. jim January 5, 2017
    • Emmett Moore January 5, 2017

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