Platinum Trading Academy and Crypto Trading Academy

Platinum Crypto Academy and Platinum Trading Academy
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


Mr. Nirav Shah of Platinum Crypto Academy and Platinum Trading Academy claims to be a hedge fund manager, millionaire Forex trader, millionaire cryptocurrency trader, and a fully licensed and regulated money manager. According to the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, Mr. Shaw is not licensed in any capacity and they issued a “scam” warning against his company to warn consumers.

Additionally, Mr. Nirav Shah claims this his “secret” trading system, that can best be described as investment whack-a-doodle, is being used by the worlds largest banking institutions, the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to “earn millions of dollars each day.” Yet, he can provide no proof.

He claims to be the “World greatest Forex trader” and “won 1st price in the Dubai Forex Trading Challenge.” Here is a hint: there is no Dubai Forex Trading Challenge.

Created a blatantly fraudulent “Channel 4 news” informercial to convince investors that television broadcasters confirmed his amazing track record of successful investing. Hint: there is no Channel 4 news.

Mr. Nirav Shah is little more than wild-eyed conman peddling a magical trading system for thousands of dollars each year to the financially gullible and naive.

Avoid this carnival barker. A swindler of the highest order.


Slick marketing


Fraudulent and false credentials.
No verified track record of success.
Financial Conduct Authority issued a “scam” alert.
Phony and fake infomercial promotions.

Thanks for reading today’s review of Platinum Trading Academy and Crypto Trading Academy

Since 2018, TradingSchools.Org has received nine requests to review the Platinum Trading Academy and the Crypto Trading Academy. Both companies are owned and operated by the same person, Mr. Nirav Shah.

The companies operate from the same address: 6th Floor City Gate East, Toll House Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS, United Kingdom.

The Platinum Trading Academy and Crypto Trading Academy currently occupy the following social media profiles…

Platinum Crypto Academy:

Platinum Trading Academy:

A search of their advertising trends reveals that the company is extremely active on social media with a tremendous monthly ad spend. It appears that the ad spend is highly focused on residents in the United Kingdom. This correlates with the repeated requests by users, located within the UK, that have requested that TradingSchools.Org investigate the company.

What is Platinum Crypto Academy selling?

The first thing users will notice is the highly polished, commercially produced infomercials that heavily feature the company owner, Nirav Shah. During these infomercials, Nirav Shah portrays himself as a “Crypto-Millionaire” and one of the originators of cryptocurrency.

As Nirav Shah explains, as he is driving his expensive Porsche and eating his unlimited shrimp cocktail, “I am the worlds foremost expert in cryptocurrency. My hedge fund regularly earns 90% in 7 days and my crypto market predictions are coveted by the worlds elite banking institutions.”

Additionally, Nirav Shah also proclaims that in 2006, he developed a “secret code algorithm” at a cost of nearly $700,000 and this “secret code algorithm” is unlike anything the investment world has ever witnessed. He describes it as a confluence matrix proton analysis that analyzes how molecules interact with dark matter pattern formation. These “secret” patterns are then overlayed with cryptocurrency data which reveals “unseen” patterns that can only be spotted through his confluence matrix.

The big banks are currently using this secret analysis now (as he explains). And, they are keeping it a secret and profiting millions of dollars each and every day. However, as Mr. Shah coos to his audience, “this secret knowledge is available to only a select few students.” And, these students will be hand chosen for this limited opportunity.

The cost of the “secret trading system” and private mentoring sessions comes in three pricing tiers:

  1. Platinum Crypto Foundation package $2,000 which includes 5 mentoring sessions.
  2. Platinum Crypto Academy Masters package $3,500 which includes 10 mentoring sessions.
  3. Platinum Crypto Academy Elite packed $6,500 which includes 20 mentoring sessions.

We signed up for a demonstration webinar and were met with what can best be described as a boiler room sales staff making all manner of wild promises.

We explained that we were unimpressed — yet every single day, for 10 consecutive days…they would call at about the same time. Each high-pressure phone call would be yet another “today’s one-time price” and “this offer expires in only 1 day” and “our trading system earned yet another massive profit.”

According to Archive.Org, the Platinum Crypto Academy was launched in early 2018, at the epicenter of the Bitcoin rally. I would appear that Nirav Shah created this “crypto academy’ as an attempt to capture a portion of the public’s imagination regarding cryptocurrencies.

If cryptocurrencies yet again start making new highs, I would certainly expect that Nirav Shah will once again be ramping up his crypto-millionaire persona is hopes of selling yet more crypto affiliated trading products.

What is Platinum Forex Academy selling?

Once again, and similar to the “Crypto-Millionaire” infomercials are the Platinum Forex Academy styled informercials. One infomercial in particular, we found highly entertaining and quite laughable. In this infomercial production, Nirav Shah claims he was “challenged by channel 4 news” to earn massive profits trading Forex.

The video has the feel of an actual news station documenting the amazing trading abilities of Nirav Shah. However, only the gullible or naive would believe such nonsense.

Nirav Shah also claims that he is the “top Forex trader in the world” and recently won 1st place in the “Dubai Forex Trading World Championships.” However, after an exhaustive search, there appears to be no such contest. It appears that he just made it all up and hired a PR company to release a paid press release declaring him the champion. It is just silly and stupid. One has to wonder who would be so stupid to fall for something so blatantly fraudulent.

Additionally, Nirav Shah claims he is a “hedge fund manager” and “advisor to the world’s elite banking institutions.” He claims that his “secret proton confluence” trading system is currently being used by the worlds largest traders on the New York Stock Exchange, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and elite trading desks the world over. Once again, it is just stupid and silly marketing that only a fool or the willfully ignorant would actually believe.

As outrageous as all of this sounds, Nirav Shah and his sales staff routinely represent themselves as fully licensed and approved by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority. Of course, this is easily verifiable and so we contacted the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority with all of our evidence and requested their opinion of Nirav Shah.

United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority

Many readers are probably not aware, but the United Kingdom has a financial regulatory framework similar to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (United States) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (United States). Think of the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority as a hybrid between the CFTC and the SEC.

If you claim to be a Forex broker, stockbroker, Hedge Fund manager, money manager, etc, then you must be registered with the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority.

The United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority responded to our request regarding Nirav Shah. Their opinion of Nirav Shah was not good.

In fact, they opined the following:

“Mr. Nirav Shah, beginning in 2009 through 2013 portrayed himself as a licensed money manager and fully approved by the FCA. Let us be very clear — Nirav Shah has never been registered with this regulatory body in any capacity.”

Apparently, according to the FCA, Nirav Shah was peddling his “proton confluence matrix” trading system to investors and enticing investors to send him money for “money management services.” This was a flagrant violation and the FCA issued a public warning after multiple investors reporting losing all of the retirement funds.

It’s not too often that regulatory body will call someone a “scam.” But this is exactly what the FCA issued in their statement to the investing public. You can find the public warning by clicking this link.

Of course, Mr. Nirav Shah will deny that he had any affiliation with Platinum International Investments and instead claim this a case of mistaken identity. However, the FCA also sent another key piece of evidence that proves the connection (apparently the FCA is aware that Nirav Shah denies any affiliation) in the form of video that Nirav Shah used to illegally illicit funds for his illegal money management services. The following video was provided by the FCA as evidence:

What I think is actually pretty funny is the voice of the spokesperson within the video is the same voice of the person that “works at Channel 4 news” as a reporter that revealed with “Mr Nirav Shah won the trading challenge.” Very sloppy Nirav Shah!

Wrapping Things Up

Thanks for reading. Another day and yet another Forex and Crypto scammer gets exposed.

To my readers in the United Kingdom, thanks for requesting this review. It was really helpful because I was able to establish some very good contacts within the FCA and I was unaware they were so helpful and willing to talk. The investigators at the CFTC and SEC are much more tight-lipped about investigations and rarely give raw opinions. However, the FCA was quite helpful and expressed some very colorful opinions of Nirav Shaw.

Thanks again for reading.


  1. john kerr October 14, 2020
    • Emmett Moore October 14, 2020
    • Julia November 11, 2020
      • Nadina S November 12, 2020
      • Emmett Moore November 12, 2020
        • Julia November 13, 2020
        • dtchurn November 15, 2020
  2. Tom Thorpe July 4, 2020
  3. james Smith June 3, 2020
  4. James Smith September 18, 2019

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