Mentor Tips

Mentor Tips
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Owner of company claims to have earned $25,000,000 trading Forex, in under 5 years. Yet can provide absolutely zero proof. Prior to Mentor Tips, owner of company owned a Forex brokerage based out of Cyprus. The company mysteriously shutdown overnight and depositor funds were never returned. Owner of company is now offering to teach his “Forex secrets” and claims that he can turn anyone into a Forex trading millionaire virtually overnight. Owner of company is highly egotistical, a megalomaniac, a narcissist, a serial liar, and is suffering from delusions of grandeur. Probably mentally ill and should seek professional counselling. A certified con artist. Avoid.

User Review
2.25 (20 votes)
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)
Pros: Fun and interesting marketing from an absolute lunatic.
Cons: Person running this company is a complete and total bozo. Absolutely zero proof of earning $25,000,000 in under five years, trading Forex. His prior venture ended with proprietor stealing account balances of all of his customers. Allegations of identity theft. A certified con artist. A whack-A-doodle.

Thanks for reading today’s review of

What is Mentor Tips is a Forex Trading Academy created by a person named Reza Mokhtarian. Reza claims that since he discovered Forex trading, in less than 5 years he was able to go from living in the back of his car and delivering pizza’s to amassing Forex trading profits of $25,000,000. Yes, you are reading this correctly, he is claiming to have made $25 million dollars in less than 5 years.

Before I talk about and Reza Mokhtarian, its important that I first talk about Reza’s most recent failed venture, a company named Capital Trust Markets. What is Capital Trust Markets? Up until 2014, Capital Trust Markets was an online Forex Broker based out of Cyprus. The official ownership of the company was registered in New Zealand, as per the following link. Apparently, Reza had purchased a white label Forex trading platform and then began taking customer deposits sometime in 2012.

What exactly is a “white label” Forex Brokerage? It is simply a software program that allows a person to create a Forex exchange, and the data for the exchange is provided by several different data providers. In its most basic form and function, a white label Forex Brokerage is nothing more than an online casino. A person would send their deposit to Reza’s account, and then they would trade Forex. The white label Forex software solution allows the trades to be routed over an actual exchange, or it allows a person to trade directly against The House. In other words, since Reza controlled the trading platform, he was able to decide whom was trading live, and whom was essentially trading on a simulator. The end user had no idea whether the trades were live or simulated.

Since the vast majority of Forex traders are net losers, then most of these white label Forex platforms never actually send the orders to an exchange to be executed. The Forex broker simply hopes that the trader loses the entire account balance by trading on a simulator. It appears that Reza was simply accepting depositor funds, and then just as quickly spending client funds on himself. Reza’s company was recently closed, and he stole the deposits of nearly everyone that gave him money.

In addition to stealing the money of everyone that trusted him, there are also multiple complaints that he committed identity theft by stealing the identities of several of the registered users of his exchange. When customers signed up for these Forex trading accounts, they were forced into giving nearly all of their personal information, copies of government ID’s, etc.

Some of you reading this are probably pretty shocked at the audacity of this person, and whether any of this is actually true. However, a bit of searching reveals hundreds of filed complaints on sites such as Forex Peace Army and Rip Off Report A. (Rip Off Report B) In fact, I was shocked at the sheer volume of people that Reza Mokhtarian has stolen from. The numbers are in the hundreds of victims. Many sad stories of how he stole various amounts, both large and small. In addition to the sheer quantity of online complaints, TradingSchools.Org has also received 36 complaints from people that could not withdraw funds. The majority of the complaints described how individuals would deposit amounts that varied from $500 to $40,000, and then would begin trading. Most of the complaints also described how the individuals had lost varied amounts then simply wanted the remaining balance returned to them, however Reza refused to return the balances. There were also stories of several traders that had actually made significant gains and simply wanted to withdraw the profits, once again Reza simply refused. It appears that Reza treated this company as his own personal piggy bank and simply stole the money as quickly as the money was given to him.

One gentleman in particular was so disgusted that he created a website that describes in horrifying detail of how he was personally scammed out of $30,000.

Forex Revenge

In addition to the online complaints that Reza has stacked up, apparently a group of people that had trading accounts with Reza at Capital Trust Markets decided to take justice into their own hands. Their money had been stolen from them, and they wanted justice. So what did they do? They snatched him from a local park and proceeded to beat the hell out of him, at gunpoint. As the following images attest, Reza got himself a nice helping of “street justice”…have a look at the images.

[foogallery id=”2871”]


Mentor Tips Reza Mokhtarian

Mentor Tips

It appears that after the complaints began rolling into Canadian authorities, Reza quickly shuttered the Forex Brokerage business and started this new venture named Mentor Tips. The Mentor Tips Forex Academy appears to have come online in late 2015 and I am now once again starting to receive an influx of requests to write about Reza. So what exactly is In a nutshell, Reza is promising to teach all of his Forex trading secrets for $97 each month. Of course, Reza is recommending a Forex Broker, which after reading much of this story, you should be laughing at the audacity of this character. I am not going to go into the details of what Reza is supposedly teaching, it should be apparent that this sad and laughable character is just looking for his next batch of victims.

Many readers are probably wondering just how this guy is able to sucker in so many people. Well, you have to understand his marketing and how it appeals to the desperate, the naive, the elderly, and the ignorant. Reza likes to use a marketing tactic that I describe as Wealth Pornography.

Wealth Pornography

Reza hardly ever talks about trading, in fact it is painfully obvious that he is extremely ignorant of economics. His focus is shiny objects and creating a massive illusion that he is wealthy to the extreme. And since he is so wealthy, then this wealth imagery validates what he is supposedly teaching. Of course, everyone knows that I love to write about trading guru’s that use wealth pornography, some of these include Infinite Prosperity, Bulls On Wall Street, and Fous Alerts.  All of these scammers share the same traits as Lets have a look as some of marketing magic created by Reza.

[foogallery id=”2841″]

Ramblings of an idiot

In addition to all of these wonderful images that convey wealth, prosperity, and an extreme sense of self, Reza also loves to create these freelance videos of himself talking about his successes, his wealth, and philosophy . The videos usually begin with Reza driving a Bentley or Lamborghini and then goes into a 15 minute verbal odyssey describing of his wealth and how you can also be wealthy. Of course, all you need to do is purchase his Forex educational package and get that Forex account opened as soon as possible.

If you are up for a good bit of laughter and want to witness the ramblings of an egomaniac, then have a look at the videos that he has created on his Facebook page.

Unbelievably, I actually watched every single one of his videos. By the time I got through the last video, I was in a state of shock and amusement. He is the very definition of a megalomaniac. Actually, I would have to say that this guy is probably suffering from mental illness. His self aggrandizement borders on lunacy. In his videos, he makes some of the following claims:

  • Worlds most successful Forex Trader
  • Adviser to world governments and world leaders
  • Was one of the founders of the Forex market
  • Can teach anyone to become a multi millionaire in only a matter of days
  • Mentor Tips will be a Fortune 500 company by the end of 2016
  • Is the #1 celebrity on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter
  • Is more popular than Kim Kardashian
  • Is the worlds most cherished entrepreneur
  • Is currently the worlds most followed online motivator and business coach
  • Is more popular than Presidential candidates, Grammy Award Winners, and professional athletes
  • Has over a million loyal followers
  • Has more social media followers than Donald Trump, Kevin Hart, Tony Robbins, The Rock, and Oprah Winfrey.
  • When The Rock needed workout tips, he called Reza.

I could go on. But you are probably either laughing, or you do not believe me. And so I propose that you do your own research and verify that everything that I am writing is true. The following media page confirms much of what I have written. Pure lunacy folks…


If you took a cursory view of this garbage, then you are probably having a good laugh at the audacity of this ass clown. I certainly was.

Wrapping Things Up

Most of the TradingSchools.Org readers are too intelligent to fall for this sort marketing hype and blatant chicanery. However, there is a seemingly, never ending supply of young people that can easily become enthralled with this sort of “get rich quick” marketing message. These are people with usually only a few thousand dollars to spend, they see these cars and mansions and shiny things, and they think to themselves, “what if its true?”.  At the end of the day, they waste their personal savings,  and usually end up with credit card debt that needs to be paid off. Not so harmful? I disagree. The real damage is that they lose faith in the system of savings and investment.

The net effect of such pervasive and widespread fraud on the financial system is changing the attitudes of an entire generation of young people. Harvard University recently published a study that the majority of 18-29 year old’s are quickly losing their faith in capitalism and the free market economy. Those of us that have been around for awhile (I am 47 years of age), we understand and remember the economic effects of a communist Europe. We remember what China looked like before they transitioned from state run to a market based economy. We see what is happening in central and south America and how socialist policies are destroying living standards. Young people are simply becoming disillusioned, pessimistic, and too afraid to invest in a system that appears to rob them at every turn.

It seems like never a day slips by me that I receive an email from a young person that has completely lost trust in anyone operating within the investment realm. It’s sad.

Well that’s it for today. Enough blathering and whining. Yet another fraudster gets exposed. Don’t forget to leave your comments below.




  1. Robert Halterman June 18, 2017
  2. Antonio Perez January 1, 2017
  3. Darwin Lopez October 7, 2016
  4. TheAnonymousGroup September 11, 2016
    • Cyn September 12, 2016
  5. Dave August 14, 2016
  6. oskar July 17, 2016
    • Gravitytrader July 31, 2016
      • JDTrader September 11, 2016
        • Gravitytrader September 11, 2016
          • Crooked Hillary September 12, 2016
  7. Simon Larry June 24, 2016
    • Jonathan Shabazz Muhammad-Sanchez July 11, 2016
  8. David June 9, 2016
    • Emmett Moore June 9, 2016
      • sam June 10, 2016
      • Vincent June 10, 2016
        • Emmett Moore June 10, 2016
          • Rob B June 10, 2016
          • JimmyJ June 11, 2016
            • Stray Dog June 11, 2016
          • JDTrader September 11, 2016
  9. Mr. X June 8, 2016
    • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
  10. Stray Dog June 8, 2016
  11. Rob B June 8, 2016
    • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
      • rtchoke June 8, 2016
        • Rob B June 8, 2016
          • rtchoke June 8, 2016
            • Rob B June 8, 2016
              • Stray Dog June 8, 2016
                • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
                • rtchoke June 8, 2016
                • Rob B June 8, 2016
                • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
                • Rob B June 8, 2016
                • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
                • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
          • Stray Dog June 8, 2016
            • Stray Dog June 8, 2016
              • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
              • Rob B June 8, 2016
                • Stray Dog June 8, 2016
                • Rob B June 9, 2016
              • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
            • Rob B June 8, 2016
        • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
      • Rob B June 8, 2016
        • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
      • sam June 8, 2016
        • Rob B June 8, 2016
          • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
          • David Adams June 8, 2016
            • Rob B June 8, 2016
              • David Adams June 8, 2016
                • Rob B June 8, 2016
                • Rob B June 8, 2016
      • Jay Yogi December 4, 2016
  12. Vlad June 8, 2016
    • Emmett Moore June 8, 2016
  13. Stray Dog June 7, 2016
    • rtchoke June 8, 2016
    • Elaine March 5, 2017
  14. sam June 7, 2016

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