Day Trading Power *Update*
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience

Summary was originally reviewed on January 11, 2015. This new review is 14 months later. What was once a pretty good day trading room has now turned into a unverifiable and unmitigated mess. The owner of the company is now refusing to verify personal trading performance, yet is claiming to be hugely successful. A steady stream of customer complaints are now hitting my inbox and owner of the company is refusing to address customer complaints.

Comments Rating 2.83 (6 reviews)
Pros: Over a year ago, was a decent day trading room, where the published performance results could be verified. But things have changed for the worse.
Cons: Owner of the company is no longer willing or able to show live trading performance. People that have subscribed to the service are now actively and aggressively complaining. Until owner of company verifies personal trading performance, then should be avoided.

Thanks for reading today’s update of DayTradingPower.Com

The following is an update of the highly popular review DayTradingPower.Com, that was published on January 11, 2015.

Since this review was published, the TradingSchools.Org blog is currently averaging 289 unique IP addresses that are visiting the review each and every day. In total, using Google analytic’s that measure webpage performance, it revealed that over 120,000 readers at TradingSchools.Org have spent at least 5+ minutes reading this specific review. In short, there is a tremendous amount of interest that was created from this original review. Though I have no idea how many people have actually purchased something from Chris at, I can imagine that the sheer amount of traffic has had nothing but a positive benefit and a high impact on his business.

I remember that during the evaluation period of the original review, there were only three people inside of his live day trading room. Hardly anyone knew about him. When I stopped by only a month after the review was published, the trading room was full with eager day traders looking to learn what Chris had to teach.

I have not spoken to Chris at since August 2015. However, nearly every week I receive private emails from former subscribers giving me their observations and personal opinions. In addition to this feedback, I also receive a tremendous amount of email from people asking me, “Is this guy still the real deal”? With all of these former subscribers writing me, and possible new subscribers asking me if the service is still recommended, I decided to draft a new review. The old review is now 14 months old, many things can change. And they certainly have.

Warning Flags

During the fall of 2015, I began receiving a trickling of negative emails from persons that had subscribed to the day trading room at Overwhelmingly, the complaints have been linear and uniform. The complaints simply stated that they could not replicate the trades that Chris was purporting to make inside of the live trading room. That Chris was getting filled on limit orders with ease, and that subscribers were not getting filled on identical limit orders.

One reader in particular showed me the volume of a stock, at a particular price and time, which was only 300 shares, and that Chris claimed that he got filled on all 300 available shares. The reader was calling bullshit and made a strong argument for why. I find that this person’s description of events as highly likely and extremely credible. Why? Because statistically speaking, it is nearly impossible for any single person to capture all of the volume at any single price. The markets are simply too big, with too many electronic market makers, all fighting to execute limit orders at the same price. When a trading educator is capturing limit orders with consistency and easily, yet the people in the trading room cannot replicate these orders, this is a huge red flag and it usually means fraud.

This  single complaint is certainly no isolated incident. In fact, I have now received 15+ persons describing the same situation. I am not sure if this alarm constitutes a full blown house fire, but it certainly is exhibiting smoke.

In addition to these warning flags, several readers had emailed and called me on the telephone to speak with me directly. The complaint was that Chris was refusing to show account statements that verified his supposed trades. However, to the online audience and on his marketing materials, Chris claims that he is earning an average of +$900 per day and and has an accuracy of 82% wins. Chris also claims that during the year 2015, he has earned well over $200,000 in verifiable trading profits. With this sort of truly amazing performance, surely Chris had to know that at some point, I would ask for proof of this.

Contacting Chris

Finally, in January 2016, I decided to write a new review and try and discover if Chris had turned down the path of fraud and deception. Unfortunately, Chris never responded to my email. This was my first real warning that something was terribly wrong. However, concurrently I was developing The Robot (real time trade tracking) and wanted to speak with Chris directly and see if he would be willing to use it. However, Chris did not respond to any requests. Nor did he return my direct phone calls. Uh Oh.

After Chris ignored my direct requests to speak with him directly, I then emailed him using a couple of different alias’s of people that were interested in signing up for his trading service. I also wanted affirmation that the results posted on his website were honest and genuine trading results. His response to those inquiries was lighting fast and assured me that his trading was real. At this point, I knew he was flat avoiding me and had something to hide.

On March 21 2016, once again I sent Chris a direct email requesting account statements, and that I simply wanted to see if the trades that he was posting on his performance page were actually being transacted at an actual brokerage. In particular, I wanted to see proof of the “scalp” trades that everyone was complaining about. Once again, Chris ignored my requests. However, embedded within the email was a tracking cookie that notifies me whenever the email is opened. In real time, I could see Chris opening the email, but he was not responding. However, once again I emailed him with a random name and random email address, and he answered those emails very quickly.

At this point, I am feeling terrible and very worried because I care about the people that read the TradingSchools.Org blog. I do not want anyone to get hurt. It became plainly obvious that Chris could no longer be trusted. That Chris of is now just like the rest of the hustlers in the trading educational universe. Just looking to make a quick buck from honest people, and with little care or regard for the audience.

The Robot Really Matters

If anyone has read my prior reviews, then you know that getting a positive review is a very rare event. Its coveted because it means that people will subscribe to a service, they will spend their money. But with this traffic and positive affirmation comes a great deal of responsibility. People that purchase products from Chris expect to be treated fairly. And when Chris say’s that he is scalping and profiting at certain prices, then he better be able to prove it. This is all that I personally asked of Chris. Please Chris, do not rip off my readers.

Unfortunately, sometimes vendors, after receiving a positive review and the positive financial benefits will decide to stop trading and become a full time talking head. Quite simply, a person that just talks about trading and cannot produce real, verifiable trading profits. It appears that Chris, at some point has abandoned real trading and is now just taking into a headset. Giving out trading advice for “scalping” trades that are just pure fantasy, not backed by account statements. It saddens me to write this.

This past few months, the entire reason for developing The Robot was that vendors that received highly positive reviews could continue to provide live, real time performance metrics to the audience. So that individuals reading about a positive review have a starting point, but the The Robot provides that extra layer of security, transparency, and honesty.

In addition to providing a mechanism where individuals with positive reviews could provide forward performance metrics, I also wanted to create a mechanism where vendors that received negative reviews could have a path forward. Anyone that receives a negative review, in my opinion should be given a second chance to clean things up and provide an excellent service. Some might be tempted to apply eternal damnation and endless scorn to certain vendors, however its important to remember that many have given me a second chance at life. And my prior behavior is much worse than most can imagine. In my opinion, everyone deserves a second chance.

A vendor committed to transparency

Nearly everyday, someone sends me an email asking “where can I learn to short term trade”? I always respond that the most important aspect of learning how to scalp trade is to learn from someone that is actually doing it everyday. But this person needs to show account statements that proves that they can actually do it. If you are interested in short term “scalping” type trading, one of the best I have written about is Kevin at Everyday this guy jets in and out of positions and pulls out small profits with consistency. And the best part is that every single day, he posts a screenshot of his actual trading account with TradeStation securities. There is no BS, no games, no claims of massive profits and outrageous winning percentages. Just an honest guy plying his trade.

If learning short term trading is on your list, then should be on your shortlist. A very nice person that is honest to a fault. And Kevin, congrats on getting married and buying your first home.

Another thing I like about Kevin is that since I have written the original review of…no complaints whatsoever. The overwhelming response that I get from subscribers is that Kevin is highly focused on the performance of each and every student. What do I mean by focusing on each student? Kevin charges $5 for a 15 day trial of his live day trading room, but what I have never talked about is that Kevin actually gets on the telephone with each and every trial period customer and interviews them personally. He wants to know about the person, he takes a keen interest in what they have been doing with their trading. The free telephone session is not a sales pitch. Its a frank and candid question and answer session where people can unload and speak freely about where they are having problems. He also talks about what to expect from his service, and how to best take advantage of what he is teaching. The best $5 a person can spend in the trading world.

Wrapping things up

Well, thats it for now. For the time being, I would recommend that people stay away from Chris at The bottom line is that he is no longer willing to be transparent, open and honest about his personal trading performance. After multiple attempts at reaching out to Chris, he is now actively hiding from me. Unwilling to face the difficult questions about his service that too many have posed to me in written messages.

The bottom line is that this business is about performance. And if a trading educator is no longer willing, or able to show trading performance, yet is claiming to make massive profits without verification, then people should avoid.

Most depressing to me, on a personal level is how Chris is now hiding from me. Yet, when I contact him with an alias, he is more than willing to talk with an alias. As they say, “where there is smoke, there is usually fire”. Unless Chris at is willing to verify the authenticity of his performance page, then we need to stay far away. Liars, thieves, and fakers should not be rewarded.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below. And if you purchased a product from Chris at and would like to talk about your experiences, then please leave your comments below.





  1. dtchurn November 11, 2019
  2. chrisscammer February 16, 2017
    • dtchurn February 17, 2017
  3. Brad January 4, 2017
  4. WJT September 16, 2016
    • Stray Dog September 16, 2016
    • Rob B September 16, 2016
      • rtchoke September 16, 2016
  5. John Smith August 14, 2016
  6. John Smith August 14, 2016
    • Emmett Moore August 15, 2016
      • rtchoke August 15, 2016
  7. Ken August 14, 2016
    • Scott August 14, 2016
  8. Luke Berry July 4, 2016
  9. Ellen B June 4, 2016
    • Rob B June 4, 2016
      • Ellen B June 5, 2016
        • Goagal June 6, 2016
        • sam June 6, 2016
        • Rob B June 6, 2016
          • Ellen B June 6, 2016
            • Rob B June 7, 2016
              • sam June 7, 2016
                • Rob B June 7, 2016
  10. Mike June 1, 2016
    • Rob B June 2, 2016
      • sam June 2, 2016
    • Luke Berry July 4, 2016
  11. Mike April 1, 2016
    • Willie April 4, 2016
      • Willie April 4, 2016
  12. MIG March 31, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 31, 2016
      • DavidR March 31, 2016
        • S Watfa April 1, 2016
      • Luke Berry July 4, 2016
    • churnrate March 31, 2016
    • churnrate April 1, 2016
      • Willie April 25, 2016
  13. J Santos March 31, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 31, 2016
    • robert April 1, 2016
  14. S Watfa March 31, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 31, 2016
      • S Watfa March 31, 2016
    • Rob B March 31, 2016
      • S Watfa April 1, 2016
        • Rob B April 1, 2016
  15. S Watfa March 31, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 31, 2016
    • Goagal April 1, 2016
      • Rob B April 1, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 31, 2016
      • BigLou January 12, 2017
    • Murali April 13, 2016
      • quasar May 9, 2016
  16. Murali March 30, 2016
  17. Bobby Hayatson March 30, 2016
    • Rob B March 30, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 30, 2016
  18. sam March 29, 2016
  19. robert March 28, 2016
  20. Stray Dog March 28, 2016
  21. Vlad March 28, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 28, 2016
      • WJT September 15, 2016
      • 50centsTrader November 7, 2016

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