
  • Honesty
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Verified Trades
  • User Experience


In my opinion, 12TradePro.Com is a hyped up, piece of crap trading room. Absolutely zero transparency. Over two weeks of live recordings prove layer upon layer of deceptive marketing and inflated performance metrics. Owner of company refuses to show even one single day of live trading statements that verify wild claims of success. Raleigh, an employee creates wildly outrageous trading videos using market replay, with what I witnessed are zero losing trading days. A complete and total shit show of nonsense and ridiculous marketing. Owner of company refused to use The Robot, which would of verified trading performance, yet he chooses to continue with deceptive and outright dishonest advertising. Absolutely avoid this company unless owner of company shows verifiable account statements that legitimize performance, or vendor begins building a real time track record using The Robot.

User Review
3.38 (8 votes)
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)
Pros: Absolutely nothing to recommend.
Cons: Multiple instances of outright deception were witnessed and recorded inside of live trading room. Owner of company refuses to show even one single trading day of redacted trading statements. Owner of company and employee of company refuse to use last names. Owner company flat refused using "The Robot" which would of provided a layer of transparency to the public at large. Owner of company has over 30 domain name registrations relating to day trading, a clear red flag that emphasizes marketing and not trading. Zero transparency, zero verifiable track record. Avoid.

Thanks for reading today’s review of 12TradePro.Com

What is 12TradePro.Com? The company is owned and operated by a person named, “Sam”. He refused to give his last name for this interview. The website has been in existence since January, 2013, as per Archive.Org. The company maintains a web address at 12TradePro.Com, however the company currently prefers the name “Best Pro Trade”.

Why does the company currently prefer the name “Best Pro Trade”? This is a very good question. A bit of research revealed that 12TradePro.Com is currently sitting on a private server with an IP address of Using my industrial grade snooping tools, I discovered that the following domain name URL’s are also housed on the same IP address. Those websites are as follows:

[table id=23 /]

As you can see, we have quite the marketer on our hands. But having a massive list of domain name registrations, coupled with a person that refuses to be identified certainly does not mean that we are dealing with yet another trading guru/scammer. However, in my own experiences in writing these reviews, it is hardly ever a good sign when a vendor refuses to attach his identity, as well as maintains a warren of rabbit dens (domain names) that he can quickly retreat too. Anyway, lets continue with the product offering and then move deeper into discovery.

The products for sale

A one week trial of indicators for $500.

A financing plan that includes an indicator package for one single computer at $1,250 up front fee, plus $250 per month for 18 months, a grand total of $5,750.

A financing plan for two computers at $1,545 up front fee, plus $350 per month for 20 months, a grand total of $8,545.

Or, a one time purchase price for a single trading computer at $4,995. If a person would like to install the software on two computers, then the price is $6,995.

In addition to these products and payment plans, the company is also is offering a mixed bag of indicators and auto trading methods priced from as $995 up to $3,495.

As you can read, this a pretty wide range of trading products for sale at 12TradePro.Com. In fact, I found the offering quite confusing and a bit disorganized. However, the main selling thrust for the company is the single computer plan at $4,995 or the monthly installments plan. Please keep in mind that the installment plan is contractual, so you will be auto billed as per the contract and this cannot be cancelled.

The live trading room

In total, I recorded two weeks of live trading sessions and interacted with “Sam” and a person named Raleigh. Once again, I was not able to entice either to reveal their true identities, however through the use of industrial grade snooping tools, I was able to identify both subjects real names and physical addresses. However, since both wish to remain anonymous and by releasing their identities could violate state privacy laws, as well as endanger family members, I have decided to keep this information private.

Before I give the results of the two weeks inside of the live trading room, it is important to note that the company is very active on YouTube and maintains a very large library of “Live Trading” videos that act as marketing fodder. What do I mean by marketing fodder? The YouTube videos are a combination of fast replay of the prior days market actions, with an overlay of the systems supposedly performing in real time. There are also several trading videos that also purport to show live trading, but are nothing more than a market replay with a simulator overlay. The net effect is that it appears live trading is happening in real time, however, this is nothing more than a clever display of hindsight trading. Case in point, the following video was published on March 18, 2016 at 7 AM, PST. However, the video purports to show a series of trades that was supposedly executed live at beginning 11:33 AM on March 17, 2016.

This video in question is simply, and nothing more than a clever ruse. A cheap card trick. A slight of hand, meant to entice the greedy eye and the sloppy hand. All of this is pure chicanery, it is only hindsight trading where Raleigh has simply recorded the prior day’s trading session and simply knows the how the market plays out. During this nine minute video, he executes winning trade after winning trade for a profit of over $1,000 and zero losers. At no time during this video does Raleigh declare whether these trade are real or simulated, at no time does Raleigh show nor mention mandated CFTC disclosures. A clear violation. On several occasions, we emailed directly to Raleigh asking for proof of live trading, using differing names and email addresses. however he simply refuses to verify the legitimacy of his amazing trading videos. Of course, the aforementioned video is only a single example, I challenge any reader to go through any of the massive amount of video’s that Raleigh has published and to find EVEN A SINGLE LOSING TRADE. Honestly, I was shocked at the audacity of this person, not ever a single losing trade.

During the last week of February, and continuing into the first week of March, we recorded the live trading room. We attempted to replicate the trades of the moderator, who is primarily the person named “Sam”. It is important to note that “Sam” records the live trading session and replays the session with a live updated table that shows the performance of the trading systems in action. However, the results the “Sam” is displaying on his recorded trading videos are not even close to the results that we were able to achieve by following “Sam” as he moderated the trading room. The first inconsistency is that “Sam” always gets his fill price, no matter what, using a limit order. This was a huge red flag. In real trading, a person does not simply enter and exit on a limit order, with no time delay. The newbie trader that Sam is marketing his products do not know or understand this hard market reality. They learn this only after they fund their trading account and discover that getting a limit order filled with real money can be very difficult. However, in watching Sam execute these orders with no time delays and perfect profit exits was a huge flag that this was not real trading.

The second major concern is that “Sam” does not take the advice of his own trading systems. For instance, on one occasion the system entered long and Sam told everyone in the trading room to exit the trade. For some reason, he did not feel right about the trade, or it was not in a time range that he liked. However, the system continued to meander in a profitable direction and turned out to be a huge winner. But “Sam” never removed the system from the public facing trading results screen, he just let it continue to show impressive results. Some time later he declares how amazing the system performed on this particular trade, that we recorded as false. That’s the great thing about Camtasia screen recording software, we record everything. However, with “Sam”, when he creates his YouTube video’s for marketing purposes, he never mentioned that this trade and many others are simply bogus. Was this an isolated incident? Absolutely not! In fact, much of this “Sam” character reminds me of the exact same marketing tactics that are being employed by the wonderful and amazing Joseph James of SchoolOfTrade.Com.

Over a three week period, I recorded a bevy of very damning video evidence. But before I got down to the nitty-gritty of writing about this massive waste of time, I needed to reach out to Sam and Raleigh and give them every possible avenue to avoid this negative review. With evidence in hand, I proceeded to introduce my real self as Emmett Moore with TradingSchools.Org and that I would be writing a review of the trading service. I told them plainly and clearly that I had been recording every single happening for the prior two weeks, and that I had a laundry list of issues that we needed to talk about. But instead of going back and forth via email, I really wanted to speak with the owner of the company, “Sam”. And I wanted to speak with “Sam” over the telephone.

Speaking with Sam over the telephone

With call recorder turned on, I proceeded to ask Sam a series of very direct questions. The first thing I wanted to know is whether Sam is actually trading with a live trading account. Like a coach roach attempting to scurry away from a drunken boot heel, “Sam” went into full evasion mode. His reply was, “I have many trading accounts, with many different brokerages, and many different balances, trading many different ways, I could not possibly show you this information”. My reply was succinct, that I was not looking for very much proof at all. I am only looking to verify only a single day of live trading. Just a single solitary day of his own choosing. Only a single redacted trading statement that shows any trading whatsoever. At this point, “Sam” started to become combative and argumentative. He refused to budge even one inch. I explained that he is asking for people to send him thousands of dollars to learn how to day trade and that people are investing their future in his supposed ability to offer a profitable product, and that the least he could do is show me only a single day of real trading results. “NO, I will not show even one single day of real trading results”.

Next, I began to list the inconsistencies in the recordings with what he was showing in his live trading videos. I was very clear in informing “Sam” that my audience was going to know all about these blaring inconsistencies and omissions, and that a bell cannot be unrung. He needed to provide a best explanation now, before the review was published. Finally, he came clean and admitted that he was only providing interpretive guidance inside of the live trading room. That the live trading room is not really a live trading room, he replied “its more of an educational experience”. Truthfully, I hate these telephone calls because its always awkward. They always start off cordial and friendly, but when I start asking sensitive questions and speak plainly about inconsistencies…its amazing how the person quickly turns from a gentle puppy into a vicious old guard dog. I would not call Sam a vicious old dog, but as the conversation turned more finely tuned, he Arabic accent become more pronounced and he became extremely defensive. In my opinion, most people that purchase trading products are too cordial and are perhaps afraid or too meek to ask the tough, biting questions about transparency and verifiable performance. I consider myself fearless in this respect. I always relentlessly hunt for the truth. Digging deeply into the soft area that is sensitive, the place where secrets are kept. Sam wanted me nowhere near this place. Press “Sam” about his personal trading performance and he becomes quickly agitated, loud, angry, defensive.

How about “The Robot”?

In speaking with “Sam”, it was obvious that he had no real time trading performance that could be independently verified. He could show nothing that substantiates his claims of profitability, other than selling his magic trading software on promises, hopes and dreams. Furthermore, Raleigh could show no proof of actual trading. Normally, I write my article and expose the vendor. However, I have recently added one new quiver to my arsenal, The Robot.

I explained to “Sam” that The Robot is my latch ditch effort to help “Sam” avoid a negative review. That if he would deploy The Robot, then I would not write a negative review and that the review would be based upon actual, forward trading performance. That the Robot was only to help him establish credibility among his peers and that it would be a huge marketing windfall, that he would be one of only a few select vendors that are committed to transparency in performance.

Sadly, and regrettably, “Sam” has flat refused the Robot. He could give no reason why he refused, other than to say that he was “just an educational provider”. Apparently, “Sam” feels that its OK for people to send him thousands of dollars for an unproven and unauthenticated trading product. And he feels its OK to publish deceptive trading videos of Raleigh, with no proof that Raleigh can trade profitably.

Wrapping Things Up

This is a sad business. In my many years of committing fraud in the 1990’s, I never thought about the welfare of my target. I simply stole their money. I gave them promises of riches, promises that if they bought my bogus investment that they would experience true freedom. They would buy my crap, and then they would hold onto that hope that the payday was just around the corner. And this is the core problem with most of these trading vendors, they are just selling a load of hope. That if the target only employ the magic trading system, and push their hard earned savings towards that next trade, then they are closer to financial freedom. People like “Sam” and Raleigh are not willing to show that they are willing to eat their own cooking, instead selling the dream to the desperate and naive. Oblivious to the financial wreckage that they may spread, unwilling to be transparent about themselves.

Do companies like Ninja Trader care? Not a bit. They continue to market these trading educators through the fraud filled cesspool known as the Ninja Trader Ecosystem. They offer “free trading webinars” that perpetuate the fraud further, harming more people down the line. Does Ninja Trader vet any of these supposed trading educational providers? Not a bit. Ninja is a shameful, irresponsible, and wreckless company for allowing the ecosystem fraud to perpetuate. A company that was truly built upon a foundation of fraudulent trading educators. One rotten entity feeding the other rotten entity. A symbiotic relationship that perpetuates nothing good.

That’s it for now. Another crappy trading vendor that is unwilling to prove even one morsel of trading success with a live trading account. Was also given an opportunity to use “The Robot” for free, which would give the audience a true measure or success or failure. Yet they flatly refuse, afraid of the truth that it will surely be revealed.

Have a great day and do not pout because I actually have a positive review coming out shortly. A bit of sunshine will peak through the clouds. Don’t forget to leave your comments below. Even the haters will find that their voices are heard.

Oh, and “Sam” when you read this…you got the review you deserved. I gave you every opportunity to avoid this nasty article, but you flat refused the opportunity to use the Robot, which would of made this review a mute point. Perhaps, after this review begins to negatively effect your business, and Google ranks it page one, then perhaps you will have a change of heart. Many others like yourself have not taken the reviews from TradingSchools.Org seriously, and have suffered. Many are now willing to now be transparent, like Dave Adams, whom was one of my biggest and nastiest critics. So, we can still come together and make peace. But the audience needs transparency in performance, I can provide this for you. And a new review is waiting to be written.


  1. Lee Seabrook November 26, 2018
    • Kay February 11, 2021
  2. Dumpin donnie September 4, 2016
  3. Ryan from Georgia September 3, 2016
    • Ryan from Georgia September 4, 2016
  4. LBDAX September 2, 2016
  5. dennis n florida May 1, 2016
  6. dennis n floida May 1, 2016
  7. tradingtransparency April 30, 2016
  8. TradingTransparency April 30, 2016
  9. Manu April 6, 2016
  10. yie April 4, 2016
  11. Sam the shithead March 31, 2016
  12. sam March 20, 2016
  13. DavidR March 19, 2016
    • Emmett Moore March 19, 2016
      • tradewithjoe March 20, 2016
  14. tradewithjoe March 19, 2016
  15. chance March 18, 2016
  16. Rob B March 18, 2016
    • Stray Dog March 18, 2016
      • Rob B March 18, 2016
      • sam March 19, 2016
  17. Sam...not the Sam from the fraudulent website March 18, 2016
  18. samtheretailer March 18, 2016
  19. rtchoke March 18, 2016

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